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Date: Thursday, October 24, 2013
The greatest instrument by which success can be ensured for all your efforts is devotion. That will grant you health, wealth and prosperity too. It will also eliminate hatred and faction, and give more strength to you. A person with devotion will do every act as worship of the Lord, and so the act will be done effectively without any malingering or insincerity. It will also win the Grace of the Lord, so the devotee will be able to do more and enjoy greater health and mental happiness. If every one of you unite and sing the glory of the Lord, it will produce greater harmony and social cohesion than thousand people clamoring and shouting one against the other. Divine Love will flood the area and fertilize all your efforts if all of you sing the Lord's name together in unison. Do it for some time and you will yourself bear witness to the loving and serene atmosphere.
(Divine Discourse, Sept 9, 1959)
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Yesterday's thought  
How to destroy the mind? It is easy once you know what it is. The mind is stuffed with desire, similar to a football filled with air. Puncture it and it will not move from place to place. In a square field filled with water from an irrigation canal, water appears in the form of a square. If the field is circular or triangular, then the sheet of water will match the geometric shape. The mind too takes on the form of one's desires. Take another example - the mind is like a piece of cloth, the warp and woof being the yarn of desire. The texture, the colour, the durability, the feel, and the shine of the cloth will depend upon the desire that constitutes the warp and the woof. Remove the yarn strand by strand, and the cloth automatically disappears. This is the technique of destroying the mind (Mano Nasanam). A wise person will wipe out all traces of the mind.
(Divine Discourse, Oct 16, 1964)
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