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Date: Saturday, June 09, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY The Sanathana Dharma (ancient Indian culture) calls upon you to revere the Acharya (Guru or preceptor), for the Guru is seeking to save you from disaster, from the floods of birth and death into which you are slipping, out of ignorance. Noble and venerable sages have struggled with and elevated themselves into the purer regions of thought, to discover their own inner reality. They felt the thrill and discovery and sang the freedom they gained. These songs and teachings serve as signposts and all who derive benefit therefrom must acknowledge the debt. The best way to do that is by studying, reflecting upon what is studied, practising the truths taught by them and proving them right, by your own experience. This is the best way to repay the Rishi Rna (debt to the sages). Yesterday's thought Date: Friday, June 08, 2012 Many now are not spending even five minutes of their time on the contemplation on God. Of the 24 hours which comprise a day, use six for earning and spending, six for the contemplation on God, six for sleep and six for service to others. Cultivate quietness, simplicity and humility instead of clamour, complexity and conceit. To develop the taste for liberation, repeat the Name of the Lord on the tongue and saturate your mind with the sweetness of His splendour. This is the best exercise that can be practised at all times, by all, irrespective of creed, caste, gender, age, economic or social status. This practise will keep you in constant touch with the Infinite and so it will transmit to you, some part of the wisdom and power of that Infinite. |
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Date: Friday, June 08, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Many now are not spending even five minutes of their time on the contemplation on God. Of the 24 hours which comprise a day, use six for earning and spending, six for the contemplation on God, six for sleep and six for service to others. Cultivate quietness, simplicity and humility instead of clamour, complexity and conceit. To develop the taste for liberation, repeat the Name of the Lord on the tongue and saturate your mind with the sweetness of His splendour. This is the best exercise that can be practised at all times, by all, irrespective of creed, caste, gender, age, economic or social status. This practise will keep you in constant touch with the Infinite and so it will transmit to you, some part of the wisdom and power of that Infinite. Yesterday's thought Date: Thursday, June 07, 2012 Forsaking the various attractions and distractions of this beautiful universe, you go to a spiritual place, drawn by the call of the spirit. This attitude is to be commended because the Light of the Spirit is truly the Beacon for those struggling in the darkness of worldly affairs. Darkness creates confusion and makes you take one thing for another. In the dark, even the stump of a tree appears to be a thief, lying in wait to rob you. Knowledge of the Self is the light which will disperse the darkness as well as doubts and diversities that it creates. Without this knowledge, people wander in the wilderness. They behave as if they have lost all memory of themselves and their origin and destination, evoking pity amongst the wise. Awareness of one's identity as the Atma, is the sign of wisdom, the lighting of the lamp which scatters darkness. |
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Date: Thursday, June 07, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Forsaking the various attractions and distractions of this beautiful universe, you go to a spiritual place, drawn by the call of the spirit. This attitude is to be commended because the Light of the Spirit is truly the Beacon for those struggling in the darkness of worldly affairs. Darkness creates confusion and makes you take one thing for another. In the dark, even the stump of a tree appears to be a thief, lying in wait to rob you. Knowledge of the Self is the light which will disperse the darkness as well as doubts and diversities that it creates. Without this knowledge, people wander in the wilderness. They behave as if they have lost all memory of themselves and their origin and destination, evoking pity amongst the wise. Awareness of one's identity as the Atma, is the sign of wisdom, the lighting of the lamp which scatters darkness. Yesterday's thought Date: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 Let the petty wishes for which you now approach God be realized or not; let the plans for promotion and progress which you place before God, be fulfilled or not - these are not important in this journey of life. The primary aim for you should be to become Masters of yourselves. You must progress to hold intimate and constant communion with the Divine who is within you, as well as in the Universe you live in. Welcome disappointments and tests, for they toughen you and test your fortitude. For all who seek to cleanse the mind and climb upwards to the realm of spiritual bliss where 'this' and 'that' are discovered as one, the uninterrupted remembrance of the Divine Name is the most effective spiritual exercise. |
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Date: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Let the petty wishes for which you now approach God be realized or not; let the plans for promotion and progress which you place before God, be fulfilled or not - these are not important in this journey of life. The primary aim for you should be to become Masters of yourselves. You must progress to hold intimate and constant communion with the Divine who is within you, as well as in the Universe you live in. Welcome disappointments and tests, for they toughen you and test your fortitude. For all who seek to cleanse the mind and climb upwards to the realm of spiritual bliss where 'this' and 'that' are discovered as one, the uninterrupted remembrance of the Divine Name is the most effective spiritual exercise. Yesterday's thought Date: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 Lord Rama strove to uphold truth as the main plank of dharma. Whatever the trial, however hard the travail, He did not give up Truth. Mother Sita too kept up the Dharma of a chaste woman at all times. But now women and men are tempted to yield to the convenience of the moment. They do not attach importance to the deeper springs of righteousness. Can the results justify the means? Fair ends through foul means can never be right. The one who installs Rama (God) in the heart should never shelter a beast therein. Rama, during his Avatar was happy when others were happy. He grieved when others were in grief. That is the trait that Lord Rama wanted everyone to learn. If you practise this, you will most certainly attract the grace of the Lord. So while avoiding pain from others, be vigilant not to cause pain to others too. |
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Who is a Sai bhakta?
Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org - Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary - theprasanthireporter.org | |
Who is a Sai bhakta?Who is a Sai devotee and what are the attributes a Sai devotee supposed to possess? ..while many of us aspire to tag the title 'Sai devotee' along with our names, let's listen to Bhagawan's own words, describing and defining a true Sai bhakta, Sai devotee, through a letter written by Him to a 'devotee', as published in Sanatha Sarathi, October 1964. Moksha is the final goal of man; that is why he is endowed with Vijnana, the special capacity to analyse and synthesise experience. The Upanishads declare "Jnanadevathu Kaivalyam". (Kaivalyam-through Jnana only) For those who yearn to be saved, Sai Namam is the Sanjeevini, the potent drug. Those who have the Name ever on their tongues must be vigilant so that egoism and the sense of possession (Aham-karam and Mama-karam) do not rob them of the fruits of Sadhana. Really, man is Jnanaswarupa. Since the beginning of Time, man has deluded himself into believing that the world is true and eternal. He is himself basically Divine; but, through the influence of the fundamental delusion, he deceives himself into the belief that he is the doer, the sufferer, the beneficiary, the enjoyer etc. So, he is born again and again as a result of this attachment and is subjected to the buffetings of duality. He is drifting about in the sea of Samsara. Sathyaanveshana, the search for Truth ought to be the Nitya Kritya of Sai bhaktas, their daily activity. Prema ought to become their Swabhava, their very Nature. Bhava-shuddhi is more important for them than Bahya-adambara, external finery. Be convinced that the Viswa is the Visweswaraswarupa Itself; look upon every object as suffused with Divinity, as Divine Itself. For, that is the Truth. Again, be engaged in acts that endow every moment of your life with holiness and the fragrance of sanctity. That is the true worship of "He Who Is Time Itself", the Kala-Swarupa. It is not through their words or their songs that persons are judged as Sai bhaktas! Deeds must be good and correct; that makes the Sai bhakta. That gives joy to Sai. I like the purity of the feelings and emotions. Pravartana or Practice must be Pavitra, Pure. Do Right and Speak Right… Do not do wrong and speak of Right Conduct! If you do not act the advice you give others, you are insulting the Name of Sai, that you have taken. Give up show, finery, and exhibitionism. Let your eyes be as soft and cool as moonlight, heart as soft as butter, words as sweet as honey. These should be the real characteristics of the Sai bhakta. Sai's Reality is Samartha Prema; Sai Drishti is Samanjasa Prema. Those who are saturated with these two types of Prema are the true Sai bhaktas. Instead, if you cavil at others, if you hold forth your own pride, and if you struggle to gather riches, you become exiles from the Lord, and stray away from the spiritual path. The Lord does not care for objects; He cares for the subjective wealth of Prema. Sai bhaktas must have full conviction of this. Remember, the best way to promote your own peace and the peace of the world is to live in Truth and Love, through every act of your life. That will be Ramarajya indeed. You must have the vision appropriate to the Universal Love characteristic of True Bhakti. Have the Prema-maya-netra; then, the world will be for you, truly Brahmamaya. Serve Sai—not with vratas, processions, puja, ritual, abhisheka and the paraphernalia of Mantras but, with Sat-Karma, Sat-Achara, and Sat-Vakya…good deeds, good conduct and good words. Serve Sai thus: Sai loves these most; that is the Truth of Sai. With blessings Baba II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II |
The Swami In Our Hearts
Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org - Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary - theprasanthireporter.org | |
The Swami In Our Hearts…The family of Indian Chess Grandmaster and reigning World Champion Vishwanathan Anand has been the recipient of Bhagawan's subtle grace, that He works through His Unseen Hands. Ranked among the best chess players in the world, recipient of the Chess Oscars and Padma Vibhushan, Vishwanathan Anand speaks about the family's entry into the world of Sai and how Bhagawan has become the Inner Voice of their hearts. Last week, Anand successfully defended his World Championship title beating challenger Boris Gelfand of Israel in a tense rapid tie-breaker crowing the title for the fifth time and fourth in a row. Extracted from Divine Grace, India Today Publication. In 2007, we moved into our new home. We were told that the closest landmark from our home was Sai Sundaram. Curious to see what Sai Sundaram was, we would take walks to the temple or listen to the Bhajans from our veranda. In 2009, my father-in-law was very critical in hospital and had taken a turn for the worse. On that appointed day a relative came to our home with Vibhuti that had been distributed after the Bhajan. Within minutes we got a call from the hospital asking us to rush as the situation had become critical. My wife, Aruna during those ten days would visit Sundaram every day. I was travelling abroad. One day during Bhajans she had tears in her eyes and a member who volunteered over there called her and gave some Vibhuti and a special photo. Every day she would take the photo to the ICU and keep it near her father. My father-in-law recovered and had a long journey to becoming completely alright. As a thanksgiving the family went to Puttaparthi. Aruna said when she saw Sai Baba, she had just tears in her eyes, she didn't feel the need to ask Him for anything or give a letter, she felt Sai Baba had seen her and spoken to her. A year later, I was to defend my world championship title in Sofia. Very strangely, the volcanic ash made it difficult to travel and put my participation in jeopardy. Aruna would remain calm and managed to see that we travelled with as much ease as possible. Every morning she would listen to the Arathi song and Paramam Pavitram Baba Vibhutim on her iPod. The match itself was very tense and it came down to the last game. Strangely, before the last game, a few minutes before we left, a fan came on internet 'chat' and told Aruna, thinking it was me, "Sai Ram, you will win". Aruna silently thought this was a sign but never mentioned it to me. After the match she said we have to go to Parthi and thank Baba. He gave us the courage to go through this whole experience. We used to visit Sundaram often and listen to the Bhajans. This, I found, most relaxing. The most impressive thing for me was the dedication, discipline and commitment the volunteers show. Just love can make people do such wonderful things. We visited Puttaparthi on July 27, 2010. We were keen to experience Puttaparthi rather than try and see how close we could get to Baba. In fact, when someone asked if they could help, we simply said Baba knows we are there. The evening Bhajans was magical and Baba's presence was indeed special. We witnessed Him giving a necklace to a group of singers. I was amazed at the discipline during the Bhajans and the simplicity and cleanliness in Puttaparthi. We visited the hospital and I was awestruck at the highly advanced technology that was used to reach out to the most needy. Again the volunteers did a magnificent job ensuring very high standards are maintained. The attention to patients and the care given would exceed even the swankiest corporate hospitals. All this without accepting a single rupee in return! Their devotion to service, I am sure, will not be depleted without the physical presence of Swami. We returned from Puttaparthi and within a week we realized that we were going to be parents. Strangely, we had never prayed or given it a thought. Similarly, just before Aruna was to deliver, Baba was admitted to the hospital. Four days before Aruna gave birth we were told that Vibhuti was coming from the Baba pictures at Sundaram. It was quite late at night and Aruna was due for her delivery any moment. We stood in the presence and returned home. Aruna mentioned that the child whatever it is, would be Sai something. That night Aruna dreamt of a baby boy. In a few days we had Sai Akhil. We took Akhil to Sundaram first, when he could be taken out. People have seen great miracles from Baba, spoken to Him. Some refer to Him as a friend or family member. For us Baba is in our hearts; He is the Inner Voice that does not need to speak, but can be heard when we seek for it. II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II |
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Date: Monday, June 04, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Do not merely boast of your knowledge of the scriptures and that you have read it a hundred times over and learnt by heart the commentaries so far written upon them. Reflect upon this fact - of all the millions that lived, why is it that Arjuna alone had the Vishwarupa Darshana (Vision of the Cosmic form)? It is because he had reached the highest stage of surrender. At the appropriate time, Krishna started the lessons on Bhagavad Gita and progressively, Arjuna's surrender, yearning and unexcelled concentration grew. And then Arjuna was blessed with the universal manifestation of the Lord. Unless one attains that same degree of surrender and yearning, how can that result be expected? The cycle of birth and death cannot be got rid of by scholarship. Hence start with this first lesson. Cleanse your mind and journey to the realm where you see God in everyone, everywhere, at all times, through uninterrupted remembrance of your chosen Lord. This is the most effective spiritual practice. Yesterday's thought Date: Sunday, June 03, 2012 Take time to introspect. The grief you cause to others will suffocate you after getting hardened to hatred. It will recoil on your own head with tenfold force. So avoid causing pain to others and be vigilant to not allow pain to yourself as well. Then you will attract the grace of God. You cannot be successful in your pursuit for Divinity if you contrive by tricks to cause harm to others, or revel in the misery of others, or concentrate only on your own happiness and progress, unmindful of the injury you cause to others. Dhanam (riches) and Daivam (Divinity) cannot be joint ideals. Darkness and Light cannot exist at the same time and in the same place. |
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