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Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org - Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary - theprasanthireporter.org | Web layout - Photo graphic design : saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation | |||
New Book ReleasesSaturday, June 16th, 2012 We are happy to announce the release of the following books. For Ordering Information, please send an email mentioning the Product Code, Product Name, Number of Copies and Shipping Address to orders@sssbpt.org Salutations to Supreme Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Product Code: 11480 Price: Rs. 60/- The postulations and principles evolved by ancient intellectuals were based on intuition and conscience related knowledge; whereas modern intellectuals rely on cultivated knowledge. However, any modern scholar, when in doubt or dispute, is required to refer to the roots of words or concepts contained in Sanskrit, Latin, Greek or some other standard language. These standards were evolved out of pure and pious hearts and minds of noble individuals. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's divine mission included revival of ancient values. It is our sacred duty to impart Universal Values in the young minds. All the sacred works of both ancient and modern intellectuals are worthy of reverence and emulation. This book cites Baba's words on ideal Gurus; Views and Experiences of various scholars; and also brief references to noted philosophers and their philosophies. Daily Prayers: Product Code: 11388 Price: Rs. 60/- The booklet contains among other prayers, Suprabhatam, 108 Namavali, Mangala Arati and Sai Gayatri with their meaning. These prayers will be helpful to all Sai devotees in their daily life to understand fully the truth and glory of the Divine Mission so that one may realise the blessedness of devotion and to earn Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba's Grace. This booklet comes with an audio CD containing the prayers in this booklet, to enable the readers to listen and to practise. Hand Book for Ideal Sai Human Life: Product Code: 11401 Price: Rs. 60/- Swami Says, "Every living being in this world is knowingly or unknowingly on a spiritual pilgrimage." This book is compiled from our beloved Bhagawan's teachings, for the purpose of guiding our journey towards the Divine or Self-realisation. This book is intended to serve as a tool for understanding and practicing the teachings of Baba in a comprehensive way. Purely with the guidance of Swami as inner voice and force, 1008 messages of the Lord are collected and segregated into six inter-related sections in a reasonably meaningful order for the benefit of all spiritual aspirants. The topics covered should help in leading our lives as 'Ideal Sai Humans' by realising the Divine within and fill all the worlds with Love and Light. Sai Prerana Pocket Note Pad: Product Code: 11423 Price: Rs. 80/- Sai Prerana is a beautifully designed handy notebook (It has 2 multicolour photos of Swami) that is useful for noting down things to be done during the day or already done, to copy important short notes, points to remember etc. More importantly, it has special quotes taken from various discourses of Bhagawan, at the end of every page, meant for people who want to lead a meaningful life. If these teachings are practised sincerely, they can change the lifestyle of any individual, especially the youth about whom Bhagawan cares so much. Healing The Inner Relationship: Product Code: 11509 Price: Rs. 10/- "Healing The Inner Relationship" is the fourth book of Dr. John Goldthwait Ph.D, a practicing transpersonal psychiatrist and an ordained minister. His earlier books are 'Purifying the Heart', 'The Power of Thoughts', and 'A Practice for Purifying the Heart'. All of them aim at the inner transformation and development of love in oneself so that peace and harmony prevails in the world. These books are based on the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba of whom the author is an ardent devotee. In the present book, the author writes about the most important aspect of healing the inner feelings by opening the heart to pure love, which is the fundamental principle behind individual transformation and also the most potent power on earth. He suggests a very interesting and unique way of using the 'parent child relationship' in one's attempt to open the heart to love. A very useful little book for all those who want to lead a life of peace, love and harmony with the rest of the world. Love Everafter: Product Code: 11345 Price: Rs. 150/- A chronicle of experiences by the Alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School from 1980 – 2011. Why Fear Death, You are Immortal Atma: Product Code: 11422 Price: Rs. 60/- L. Achou Singh expounds on the various teachings of Bhagawan Baba on drawing sustenance from the most reliable source of strength, the Atman. Self Realisation in Kali Yuga at the Dawn of the Golden Age: Product Code: 11477 Price: Rs. 60/- Kanan Divecha writing with conviction, reminds us that the Avatar has come to avert the crisis that has come upon Humanity. Cultivation of nearness to Him in the heart will be rewarded beyond measure. Sai Darshan – 2 (Mini): Product Code: 11457 Price: Rs. 45/- Seema Dewan calms us asking us to lay all our fears aside as Sai has gone nowhere. If anything, He has only taken yet an other step closer to us to take us across the ocean of samsara by the grace of His Divine Love and oars of Faith and Patience. Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba are one and the Same: Product Code: 11521 Price: Rs. 60/- Readers of this book by K. Karthikayan will be able to dive deep into the ocean of authenticity of the declarations; retrieve the priceless pearls of life history; imbibe the limitless Divine manifestations in every field of the Avatar's mission and understand the concept for the purpose of coming of two Sai's who are one though different in body and time. For Ordering Information, please send an email mentioning the Product Code, Product Name, Number of Copies and Shipping Address to orders@sssbpt.org | |||
Offer online Aarthi & Pooja to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba - You may also offer Bhagawan flowers, written prayers, letters, invitations, coconut, garland, tilak, Padanamaskar & receive Vibhuti...continue | |||
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Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY The desires that cling to the mind are the blemishes that tarnish one's inner consciousness. Control the senses; do not yield to their insistent demands for satisfaction. When a corpse is placed on a pyre, and the fire is lit, both the corpse and the pyre are reduced to ashes. So too when the senses are negated, the mind too disappears. When the mind disappears, delusion dies and liberation is achieved. Faith in God is the best reinforcement for spiritual victory. When you revel in the contemplation of the splendour of the Lord, nothing material can attract you; all else will seem inferior and the company of the Godly and the humble alone will be relished. The Spirit can only be awakened and realized through individual discipline, and the Grace of God. These two can be won through love, purity and service to others. Yesterday's thought Date: Friday, June 15, 2012 In spiritual matters, faith is the very essence. Have faith in the wisdom of the ancients - do not pitch your tiny and little brain against the institutions of saints and their discoveries. For example, people question the ritual of offering food in the fire, on the death anniversary of one's parents. They scorn and mock, 'How can the food placed here reach wherever they are?'. 'Why are the dead given food, when the living starve?' they argue. If the address is written correctly and clearly, and if the necessary postage is paid in valid stamps, the letter is carried in bus, air, train or by people right upto the doorstep of the person and delivered. The ritual fire is the authorized post box, fire is the postal authority, manthras are the stamps. There is a science of the spirit, as there is a science of matter; it has its own modus operandi; its own experts and authoritative theses. Only by sadhana can the secrets of either matter or mind be known, grasped, and used for your benefit |
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Prasanthi News and Photos - Prasanthi this Week Friday, June 15th, 2012
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Prasanthi this Week Friday, June 15th, 2012 | |
Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org - Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary - theprasanthireporter.org | Web layout - Photo graphic design : saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation | |
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Prasanthi Nilayam, the Global Township, as always balanced the ancient with the modern this week with two note worthy events. The Gopuram Gate has now been thrown open for devotees during the Darshan time in Sai Kulwant Hall in the mornings and evenings. The Gopuram was built by devoted hands in the South Indian style of temple architecture. The imposing and inspiring structure was inaugurated by Bhagawan on 18th November 1975, during the 50th Birthday celebrations. In 2010, the Kalasams, which form the finials of the Gopuram, were blessed by Bhagawan once again after they were polished in time for the 85th Birthday Celebrations. The South Indian Canteen was renovated and restarted this week with all new equipment. A complete change in the ground plan of the kitchen, new flooring, cooking utensils and vessels are some of the modifications done. The new equipment included Rice Vessels with Gear Tilting Mechanism, Double Jacketed Steam Vessels, a variety of steamers to enable steam cooking of various dishes and pollution controlled burners using LPG in the place of diesel among others. The inauguration function commenced with Gayatri Chanting at 0820hrs. Ceremonial Payasam was prepared in the midst of Vedic Chanting by Pundits. Trustees and the Secretary of the Central Trust and Sadhana Trust attended the inauguration even as the Canteen Manager invoked Bhagawan's blessings. Arati was offered at 0905hrs and Prasadam was distributed to all who attended the function. There has also been a change of guard this week with Gujarat taking over from Uttar Pradesh for Sevadal opportunity this afternoon. As per tradition the outgoing Sevadal assembled in Poorna Chandra this afternoon after handing over charges to their Sai brothers and sisters from the land of the Father Of The Nation. They reminisced with an old Darshan video together as a single Sai Community. Later on they were addressed by the Secretary of the Central Trust and Organisational coordinators. | |
Prasanthi News & Photo updates - Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc... |
Date: Friday, June 15, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY In spiritual matters, faith is the very essence. Have faith in the wisdom of the ancients - do not pitch your tiny and little brain against the institutions of saints and their discoveries. For example, people question the ritual of offering food in the fire, on the death anniversary of one's parents. They scorn and mock, 'How can the food placed here reach wherever they are?'. 'Why are the dead given food, when the living starve?' they argue. If the address is written correctly and clearly, and if the necessary postage is paid in valid stamps, the letter is carried in bus, air, train or by people right upto the doorstep of the person and delivered. The ritual fire is the authorized post box, fire is the postal authority, manthras are the stamps. There is a science of the spirit, as there is a science of matter; it has its own modus operandi; its own experts and authoritative theses. Only by sadhana can the secrets of either matter or mind be known, grasped, and used for your benefit Yesterday's thought Date: Thursday, June 14, 2012 To get joy and peace, you must develop a pure mind, unsullied by egoism and its children - lust, greed, envy, anger, hatred and the rest. This will be easy when you seek satsanga (good company) and perform good deeds, entertain noble thoughts and read inspiring books. More important than all of these is to put into practise, at least one good thought. If you don't practise, the blemishes in the mirror of your heart will not be wiped off and the Lord cannot be reflected therein. Constant practise with full faith will transmute nara (human) to Narayana (Divinity), for you are in essence Divine. |
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Prasanthi News & Photo updates - Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc... |
Date: Thursday, June 14, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY To get joy and peace, you must develop a pure mind, unsullied by egoism and its children - lust, greed, envy, anger, hatred and the rest. This will be easy when you seek satsanga (good company) and perform good deeds, entertain noble thoughts and read inspiring books. More important than all of these is to put into practise, at least one good thought. If you don't practise, the blemishes in the mirror of your heart will not be wiped off and the Lord cannot be reflected therein. Constant practise with full faith will transmute nara (human) to Narayana (Divinity), for you are in essence Divine. Yesterday's thought Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 I ask you to fix your mind on any Name that brings up into your consciousness the glory and grace of the Lord. Also train your hands to do acts that serve the Lord Who is shining in every being. All men and women are Him. He shaves as the barber, makes clay as the potter, and washes, starches and irons clothes as the washerman. Know that He prompts, He inspires, He devises and He fulfils. Play your role as a puppet does; the unseen Director will unfold the drama that He has already willed. You take a sheet of paper on which My Form, as I am now, is printed; you fall to the ground before it as an act of reverence. Why cannot you then, revere all human beings, believing that I am in each of them, in an even clearer form? |
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Prasanthi News & Photo updates - Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc... |
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY I ask you to fix your mind on any Name that brings up into your consciousness the glory and grace of the Lord. Also train your hands to do acts that serve the Lord Who is shining in every being. All men and women are Him. He shaves as the barber, makes clay as the potter, and washes, starches and irons clothes as the washerman. Know that He prompts, He inspires, He devises and He fulfils. Play your role as a puppet does; the unseen Director will unfold the drama that He has already willed. You take a sheet of paper on which My Form, as I am now, is printed; you fall to the ground before it as an act of reverence. Why cannot you then, revere all human beings, believing that I am in each of them, in an even clearer form? Yesterday's thought Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 The epic Ramayana was sparked off by two little incidents involving two minor characters – the resentment of Kaikeyi's maid Manthara and the lust of Ravana's sister, Surpanakha. Be aware that a tiny spark of these two inimical qualities desire and anger (kama and krodha), is sufficient to destroy peace and joy in your life. Weed them out before they destroy you. Work hard to clear your mind from of all its likes and dislikes. If you succeed in restraining their flow towards the objective world, your senses will be rendered ineffective. Once you accomplish the extinction of the mind, these evil qualities cannot harm you and you will remain in joy and peace. Sensory activity is the warp as well as the woof of the mind. When that ceases, the mind vanishes – it starves and dies. |
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