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Date: Saturday, June 02, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY In the epic Ramayana, Ravana lent his ear to the pleasant eulogies from his ministers than the beneficial advice from his brother, Vibeeshana. By exiling his brother and honouring his courtiers, he sealed his own fate. Now many people are pursuing the pleasant over the beneficial and that is the reason for all distress and discontent. Indian Culture has always emphasised the hard and beneficial way; it has always advised the control of one's senses. However people today follow cultures that cater to the senses and go after momentary and external frills and pleasures. Realize that the car is driven by steering the wheel inside, when this is turned, the outer wheels automatically move. Similarly when you turn the inner wheel, you can progress. Yesterday's thought |
Date: Friday, June 01, 2012 As far as it lies in your power, do good to others. Do not sow fear or inflict pain on others or promote anxiety or grief. If you take pleasure in the pain of others, you only scotch the divinity in you and bring to light the demonic natures in man. The Lord resides in all – "Ishwara sarva bhoothaanam" - He is in you, as much as in the other, whom you are harming. Know this and give up all efforts to ruin others. You cannot help another – you can only help yourself by that act. You do not harm another; you only harm yourself by any wicked action. The outer attachments and nature may be different, but the inner reality in you is the same as in the "other". |
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Date: Friday, June 01, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY As far as it lies in your power, do good to others. Do not sow fear or inflict pain on others or promote anxiety or grief. If you take pleasure in the pain of others, you only scotch the divinity in you and bring to light the demonic natures in man. The Lord resides in all – "Ishwara sarva bhoothaanam" - He is in you, as much as in the other, whom you are harming. Know this and give up all efforts to ruin others. You cannot help another – you can only help yourself by that act. You do not harm another; you only harm yourself by any wicked action. The outer attachments and nature may be different, but the inner reality in you is the same as in the "other". Yesterday's thought Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012 All the variety in taste, colour, smell of the multiform food items, when considered fairly and squarely, are mere drugs to cure the illness of hunger; all the drinks that man has invented are but medications to alleviate the disease of thirst. Most people today suffer from an ailment of the senses and they try the quack remedies of recreation, pleasures, picnics, banquets, dances only to find that their fever has not subsided. This illness will subside only when the invisible virus is rendered ineffective and that will happen only when the rays of jnaana (wisdom) fall upon it. A true doctor interested in curing you of all illness, will advise what is hitha (beneficial) for you to restore your health, instead of that which is priya (pleasant); your Guru is such a doctor. Obey Him, even when His prescription is unpalatable, for your fever can be cured only by Him. Prefer the beneficial to the pleasant, for the pleasant might lead you down the sliding path into the bottomless pit. |
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Prasanthi News & Photo updates - Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
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Date: Thursday, May 31, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY All the variety in taste, colour, smell of the multiform food items, when considered fairly and squarely, are mere drugs to cure the illness of hunger; all the drinks that man has invented are but medications to alleviate the disease of thirst. Most people today suffer from an ailment of the senses and they try the quack remedies of recreation, pleasures, picnics, banquets, dances only to find that their fever has not subsided. This illness will subside only when the invisible virus is rendered ineffective and that will happen only when the rays of jnaana (wisdom) fall upon it. A true doctor interested in curing you of all illness, will advise what is hitha (beneficial) for you to restore your health, instead of that which is priya (pleasant); your Guru is such a doctor. Obey Him, even when His prescription is unpalatable, for your fever can be cured only by Him. Prefer the beneficial to the pleasant, for the pleasant might lead you down the sliding path into the bottomless pit. Yesterday's thought Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 I must condemn the absence of gratitude which is rampant amongst people today. People today are humble and obedient until their wishes are fulfilled. Once their desires are satisfied, they sometimes even try to ruin the person who helped to realize it. This behaviour does not befit human beings. One must be conscious of benefits derived and be eager to repay the debt, or at least be keen to avoid causing harm to the person who helped them while in distress. Today however, with pomp and pride, people reveal that they are ignorant, filled with egoism and conceit. Running after momentary joy, they exile themselves from the Kingdom of God. The value of human birth is to attain divinity. Contemplate on this unique good luck of a human birth you are gifted with. Dedicate your days to thoughts of God, and to ideas that elevate and inspire. Welcome opportunities to express gratitude, broaden your heart and deepen your faith. |
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With Love Man Is God… - Do You Have The Courage To Be Kind
With Love Man Is God…Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 |
Ms. Sharon Sandweiss was blessed with an opportunity to speak in the Divine Presence on the occasion of Ladies' Day 2009. In a gesture that is normal for any speaker, Sharon, upon coming to the podium, went upto Bhagawan seeking Divine blessings and in that moment of bliss missed out offering the Rose that was meant for Bhagawan. After reaching the mike, upon realizing her "folly", she rushed back to Bhagawan with an apologetic smile, presenting the flower and what followed was a stream of unsullied love for the Divine. She spoke about Him and His Love sharing glimpses from His conversations with the Sandweiss family in some of the interviews. With deep humility and love I offer Pranams at the holy feet of our Beloved Sai Baba. Respected elders, brothers and sisters, and dear students, I am honoured and deeply humbled to stand before you today. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Sai Baba for His loving compassion. Thank You, Baba, for Your love. Thank You for this festive, sacred, and meaningful day when we celebrate the sanctity of motherhood and the courage, compassion and amazing capabilities of women. I PRAY THAT YOUR DIVINE LOVE COMES THROUGH MY WORDS. Recently, my husband and I tried to express our gratitude. "Baba, You are always serving others. How can we help You?" Baba smiled and said, "I don't need your help. You help your husband, and he helps you. You're one. AND I HELP EVERYONE." "But Baba," we cried. "We love You so much!" Baba responded, "And I love you more!" How can one understand this Divine Love? This DIVINE LOVE is irresistible. It has brought us here from nearly every country and religion in the world. We all love our country, our sacred books, our family customs and special spices. Yet, we hunger for the same thing: We all want peace. We all want to love and be loved. Once, my husband and I shared an interview with a large group. Baba started asking, "Where are you from?" The answer, "Russia." He went around the room, asking everyone. Then He playfully asked me, "Are you from Russia too?" I answered, "No Baba"–but then I remembered, "Oh—But my grandparents were from Russia." Baba smiled lovingly, and said, "See the Connection. ALL are connected. All are One." At first Glance, Russia and America seem very distant. Yet, the distance shrinks when compared to the vastness of space. We all inhabit MOTHER EARTH. We share the mighty mountains and great oceans. We are responsible to each other. When a factory belches toxic air, we all suffer everywhere. But when we offer love and work for the good of all in ONE UNITED VOICE, we can hear the UNIVERSE rejoice! Thirty-seven years ago I was like many others. I worried about life and I worried about death, I worried about our children, and I worried about our pets. I smiled on the outside; but inside I was a sad and fearful soul facing a universe that seemed meaningless. Fortunately, I married Samuel, who was constantly searching for meaning. In 1972 Sam went to India in search of God, and returned a month later transformed. He exclaimed, "God is on earth in the form of Sai Baba, You are God, I am God. Everything is God! Now our lives will change forever." What was he talking about? Who was Sai Baba? What would happen to us? I was confused and scared. WE have to remember that this was in 1972, in the 'Dark Ages' before the internet. Today we click a button and instantly connect with our wonderful Radio Sai to hear Baba's words. But in 1972, it wasn't easy to find information about Sai Baba, especially in the West. I watched Samuel closely after that first trip. He was truly transformed–Happier, Calmer, more Peaceful, more Patient, and best of all, he became more Loving!! (Of course, he was always a loving person. He just became MORE loving.) I was amazed. Can a person change so quickly? I, too, wanted peace. I, too, wanted faith! Within a few months I was on a plane to India with my husband. Baba had spared me a life of despair. He has brought Sanctity and Joy to our family life. Sai Baba is a living presence in our life. He knows and loves each one of us. He lives in our heart as love, and love is all that's lasting! My husband and I were thrilled to tell our daughters—you're not just the body. —You're Divinity Itself. You're pure love. Be Bold, Brave- like lions-and Unafraid, Follow your Conscience, think Sacred Thoughts, do Good Deeds, seek Good Company; You may stumble & fall, but problems are your teacher. Your loving Sai is by your side. Speak to Him—He's in your heart as love! Telling our children is not enough; they're quick to see hypocrisy! We must become the example and show unity in thought, word, and deed. How can we tell our children to speak sweetly, if we're shouting at our spouse? We must practice and refine, until we sparkle and shine. Following is a brief example of this truth. When my husband returned from India, he immediately became a vegetarian!! This was unusual in America, where people think a meal without meat is incomplete! At first I was offended —he was refusing my cooking. But within a month or two, I suddenly realized that I was eating an animal, and I immediately became a vegetarian! But how could we force our 4 young daughters to make such a radical change? Baba says that He is the Source, not the Force. So we told the girls that we would no longer have meat in the house, but that they could eat it outside the home. But one day our twin daughters, who were about 7 years old, said to us, "Mommy—Daddy–we love animals too much. We don't want to EAT them!" Their younger sisters chimed in "We too—we don't want to eat animals either!!"Imagine-7 years old, and they had the PURITY to know that all life is sacred. THIS small example illustrates several points: First, when we become the example, others will follow. Secondly, WE ALL hold the TRUTH within us, and it is our duty as parents and teachers to help children manifest this TRUTH. The third point is that secular life is not separate from spiritual life. When all acts are infused with love, EVERYTHING becomes sacred, including eating habits. We worry about the State of the World. We want our children to be safe and happy, yet we see greed and disharmony everywhere. YEARS AGO, we brought our concerns to Sai Baba: "Baba, The world is in trouble." Baba responded, "NO, THE WORLD IS GOOD; THE MIND OF MAN IS THE PROBLEM." "Baba, What should we do about schools?" Baba answered, "The schools are the same. You must speak with your children; find out what they're thinking. You don't always know what is on their mind." Baba was reminding us of importance of good communication, respectful communication. Baba says, "First listen, try to understand, then adjust, or compromise, so as to achieve UNITY." As Baba spoke, I had a sudden thought–Where would the world be without the presence of God… Baba interrupted my thought, and in a strong and serious voice, He said, 'YES, IF IT WERE NOT FOR ME, EVERYTHING WOULD BE LOST!" My husband and I shuddered at the urgency in His words— GOD HIMSELF HAS COME TO SAVE US FROM OURSELVES! Many years I asked Baba, "Can we do more?" He responded, "Yes, I will give you the POWER, the STRENGTH, and the BLESSINGS to do more." He later said, "HOME AND FAMILY." Today, on Ladies' Day, we affirm that family life is the foundation of life! When there is HARMONY, PEACE, and MUTUAL LOVE in our Family, God is present and the world is HAPPY! We are ALL members of one Family— OUR ONE DIVINE FAMILY When we serve our family with love, we SANCTIFY our lives. When we uphold Justice, we JUSTIFY our lives When we support the suffering women in the world, we DIGNIFY our lives. When we preserve Mother Earth, we PURIFY our lives And when we offer all to God, we GLORIFY our lives. TODAY is a happy day. TODAY we are DANCING IN ECSTASY PRAISING GOD"S GLORY TODAY we pray together, "BABA-KEEP US CLOSE. DON'T EVER LET US GO! Grant us the POWER, the STRENGTH, and the BLESSINGS to earn your grace, and become Your Bliss." WE LOVE YOU. Thank you, and Sai Ram! II Samasta Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu II |
Do You Have The Courage To Be Kind?Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 |
What human can learn from animals? An amazing tale of gentleness, generosity, compassion and love was seen in a canine, in an Animal Shelter, where the canine mothered eighteen puppies that were left orphaned. Watching this incredible act of love exhibited by an animal, the writer, Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri, with bells of introspection ringing within, pauses, asking fellow travellers to toe the line, keeping Bhagawan's Love in their hearts, to be His envoy serving all as One… She didn't even know she was being kind, It was something so natural, Playing out a role that especially for her, Destiny had signed, Though her own puppies were no more, The mother in her, From deep within the core, Came flowing to the fore, And she went from cage to cage, In this most 'human' act, This canine did herself engage, Feeding eighteen orphaned little ones, Abandoned on the material stage… As I watched her play this magnanimous role, Bells of introspection, Within me began to toll, 'Do You have the courage to be kind? Will you allow your heart, To beat through your mind, Oh! Most importantly, Can you for a few thoughtful deeds, Spare some prime time? Even as Creator awaits creation to toe the line…' These thoughts were dancing in my psyche, After a visit to an animal shelter – 'Jeev Raksha', Where these eyes did see, Acts suffused with gentleness and generosity, Threads woven from the Creator's harmony, Beyond the I, me and mine, A glimpse of what is truly inspired by the 'Thine'… It is not how much you receive, But what other beings can receive through you, It is not how much you have, But how much you can share, From what you have been given, It's not the cost but a cause lost, A lost cause, Due to far too many a clause, An exodus from an inner applause… Bhagawan's one look is my courage, Replacing the dim, enhancing the voltage, His silence does my soul salvage, His image – the solitary spring of joy, His thought instills me with poise, His words any kind of demurral destroys… 'When Beloved Bhagawan is my source of joy, Can't I be His envoy?' His Sathya is His Prema, His Prema is His Sathya, This truth within me, Of Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa, Fashions a serene alloy, Post-haste I must this divine convoy deploy… The Beloved One gives me the courage to be kind, It is His heart that beats in my mind, No matter what, no matter how or when, And most certainly – no matter who, Deeply understanding what He needs me to do, I must simply do what He wants me to, For steady caring acts I will spare prime time, No more should the Creator wait, For creation to toe the line… II Samasta Jeevah Sukhino Bhavantu II |
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Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY I must condemn the absence of gratitude which is rampant amongst people today. People today are humble and obedient until their wishes are fulfilled. Once their desires are satisfied, they sometimes even try to ruin the person who helped to realize it. This behaviour does not befit human beings. One must be conscious of benefits derived and be eager to repay the debt, or at least be keen to avoid causing harm to the person who helped them while in distress. Today however, with pomp and pride, people reveal that they are ignorant, filled with egoism and conceit. Running after momentary joy, they exile themselves from the Kingdom of God. The value of human birth is to attain divinity. Contemplate on this unique good luck of a human birth you are gifted with. Dedicate your days to thoughts of God, and to ideas that elevate and inspire. Welcome opportunities to express gratitude, broaden your heart and deepen your faith. Yesterday's thought Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 Life is not a mathematical formula, where 2 plus 2 always equals 4. To some, it may be 3, and to others, 5. It depends on how each values the number '2'. In the spiritual path, each one has to move forward from where they already are, with the light of the lamp which every one holds in their own hands. Strive to diagnose your own character and discover the faults that are infesting it; do not try to analyse the qualities of others and seek to spot their defects. This self-examination is very necessary to bring to light the deficiencies that will undermine your spiritual career. Demons are typically too conceited to bend before the Lord; they put too much trust in arms and numbers, ignoring the subtler and stronger forces of the spirit, which can annihilate the vices within oneself. Never try to hide your faults; be ashamed of them and endeavour to cleanse them fast. |
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