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Next page>> Below is a miracle photo sent to SBOI by M. K. Manjunath "Please find attached baba blessing photo at the time of Guru-shanti homa on Monday at our house thanks to swamy with regards M. K. Manjunath" EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: Sai Kumar V This happened in January 2008, when I was on a visit to Pune. I landed in Pune airport around 12 noon. As I had the official work only the next day, I wanted to make a trip to Shirdi and be back in Pune. I realized that I forgot to carry my Debit Card and all I had was about Rs.500 and a credit card. I had a nice darshan of BABA at Shirdi and returned to Pune around midnight. I was searching for a decent hotel to stay for the night. All I had was Rs.200 in cash and credit card and my return flight ticket to Chennai. I was desperately searching for a budget hotel where credit card is accepted. Suddenly an autowallah approached me and said he can accommodate me in a decent hotel with credit card acceptance. He took me to the hotel about 20 minutes drive from the bus station. I checked into the hotel using the credit card. I never use credit card to withdraw cash from the ATM. So withdrawing cash from ATM was ruled out. The next morning I got ready to go the place of work, about one hour from the place where I was staying. All I had was Rs.100/- with me. I went down and checked with the hotel guy about the auto fare to that place. I was told that autowallahs charge Rs.200/- to reach the place. I came back to my room and prayed to BABA to help. I took out the SAI SATCHARITA from my bag and I opened randomly by closing my eyes. Lo! To my surprise, I found Rs.100/- in that page. My joy knew no bounds and reached the place after paying Rs.200/-. I returned to the airport in a cab arranged by the staff of the company. This miracle is an ample example, that once again BABA protects his devotees at all times. ************ A Sai devotee It was 24th April 2009 I came to know that my love Sandeep was suffering from TB but he was unaware of this because he did not go for the x-rays. He used to get little cough, he used to get up in the morning. He was losing weight; He used to get sharp pains in his back at night. He went to his family doctor & the Dr gave him some antibiotic each time & told him to go for the x-rays. Eventually, he left out breath & dizzy. A few days off work he was feeling sick & weak. He went to the Hospital as advised by his Dr. the Dr took x-rays which showed that he was suffering from TB. Then he took the same x-rays to his family Dr to confirm that whether it was true or not. He also said the same thing & found his left lung full of fluid. His Dr suggested him to go & get admitted in the Hospital for 2 days for lung tap. But Sandeep was getting scared & little upset & did not wanted to stay in the Hospital. When I came to know this I was very much tensed & tears was not stopping & I was not getting patience for a minute, but I knew my father my Shree Sai will make everything alright as Baba said have shraddha & saburi. My friend Sheryl also supported me a lot Baba keep her & her family at your lotus feet. I cried a lot in front of Shree Sai Baba & prayed to keep Sandeep healthy like before. Then I gave my Sai's udhi & one orange thread, which I received from Shirdi & tied on his right hand. And the miracle took place I gave him udhi in water & at the same spot he started feeling better then the next day i.e. 27^th April he went to the Hospital the doctor did the check up & told him that there is no need to stay in the Hospital as it will take just half an hour for lung tap & at the same time Sandeep messaged me & I became very excited & I thank Baba the same time the Dr started removing the fluid with an injection. Immediately Sandeep started feeling relaxed & without any pain the fluid has been removed & I am sure the doctor who was removing the fluid was surely my Sai Natha this all happened by my Sai's grace. Now he is diagnosed with TB & had put on a course of drugs for nine months. I am sure these 9 months will also pass soon by my Baba's grace. Sandeep is now tensed of his job please Baba bless him with nice job with suitable timings as u know his first job KFC where he was working was not suitable for him & some or the other way his first job was also responsible for his bad health coz of taking no rest, drinking Pepsi instead of water, coming late from KFC. & having one time meal. I am thankful to Baba for all the miracles I have experienced in my life. I know that is all because of my Shree Sai. Baba create an urge in me to visit Shirdi & get your Blessings always be with my family & with Sandeep's family & bless him with a nice job & keep us all at your lotus feet. | Quick Sai Links & latest Shirdi News and updates |
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Sai Baba QUOTATION "If you want to see My Light, be egoless and humble, and meditate on Me" - Sri Saibaba | |
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EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: Divya Dear Sai Devotees, when we see Baba holding on to his Bhaktas standing straight on his way to the chavadi - in the black and white photo where Mahalspathi is holding the umbrella. It seems that he is old, tired, and holding on to his devotees for support. But the truth is that the three Bhaktas in the photo are the ones who need Sai's support. He who supports the entire' worlds weight in himself appears so weak but it is from him that we all derive our strength. So am I a devotee like that. I derive my everyday energy to live, my hope, my light's light from my dear God, Sai. I had been his devotee right from my childhood. Bad times fell on me after I fell into wrong ways during my Teenage. For few years, I had lost touch with him...those were the worst years of my life. I had undergone a lot of torture at the hands of my in-laws. At a point of time, I had even decided to end my life. But then came Sai. My in-laws tease Him and don't believe in his Worship, but today, within 6 months, beginning from the day when I went to a Sai temple with my parents in South India (after 3 long years), because I cant go to Shirdi, I finally got peace of mind. My hubby's mind changed. We shifted out to our own home, which is rented and I believe that though I do not have a job nor is my husband in a stable financial position, we are able to pull on the expenses as Sai is taking care of it. I hope Sai will take care of my family and me forever. Today when I close my eyes, I see a bright light in front. I practice meditation on Sai, and he is such a tremendous source of energy, within minutes I lose sense of my body and join the light, which is nothing but pure happiness. I didnt need any Tapas, just deep concentration and Sai Naam Jaap pulls me to reach the Trance state. Try it dear friends and it is so wonderful, you will not feel to come back to this real world. I do have to because I have small kids an have to finish my role of a mother and wife and daughter, until I get free from all bondage to be His only at the end of this worldly life. Although I cannot express what these words mean, I have experienced seeing him in his formless light. And truly, he is equal to the light and energy of (Anantha Koti) multi crores of Suns which is the soul (Brahma) of all souls of the entire world which pulrely The Truth, The Knowledge and Unending Happiness (Sat- Chit - Anandam). I have only had a minute glimpse of the energy, and I am so affected I cannot imagine the state of those who have reached the state of Self - Realization! Blessed indeed are they! Venkatesh Dear Sri Saibaba, as I promised, I am sharing my experience and your miracles with all the devotees. I lost my job at the end of 2008. We were praying Sri Saibaba to get me a job as it was getting problem for us financially and worried about our GC processing. By the grace of Sri Saibaba, in the month of Mar 2009, I got a job at the same client and through same consulting firm but different state. If you see his miracle, he wanted me to stick to same consulting company until I get my GC. We never expected this one would work out. This happened in a matter of 2-3 days. This is all because of miracles of Sri Saibaba. When we were not having insurance, he took care all of us without any problems and helped financially. I would never imagine, because of his miracles, everything was good. Sri Sainath, pls bless my daughter with good health, life and future. Pls make my wife be calm, always in your prayers and good health. Pls bless us with second child. Pls bless us to get GC within a month and get a stable job in Houston after I get my GC. Pls bless us to have peaceful and stable life. Pls make us pray for you everyday and before performing any activity. It is because of you we are having such a wonderful life. It is you always taking care of us and pls be with us always. Pls bless my parents with good health and long life. Pls bless my sister with good health and job and a good family. Pls bless everyone on this earth. Jai Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Jai Sri Saibaba. QUOTATION "Like a loving mother forcing bitter but wholesome medicines down the throats of her children for the sake of their health, Sai Baba imparted spiritual instructions to His devotees. His method was not veiled or secret, but quite open. The devotees who followed His instructions got their object" - Sri Sai Satcharitha | |
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Navatha I want to share my experience with all Sai devotees. It was in June 2007 that I started praying SAI. Since childhood, I believed in god and would perform poojas, and would fast once a week. everything was going smooth. After marriage things began to start worsening, in terms of career and we were worried bat our future. In 2007, my husband was depressed, he was on medication. He resigned to his job. I did not have visa to work. At that time, I prayed to SAI, now I am not able to imagine how and in which condition we would be if SAI did not help us at that time. It was tough time from June to October. In October he got job, soon he recovered. Since then we did not leave SAI. My husband would not believe in god and doing pooja. Now everyday first thing he does after bath is lighting diya and doop sticks for SAI. My work visa did not go thru two times i.e. 2 years were wasted, third time I prayed Baba and I got it. Whenever I feel sad or worried, I just pray SAI and read SATCHARITHA.I feel BABA with we all the time. He is with me even now. BABA I want to thank you 1000 times and much more. Thanks for taking care of us. WE LOVE YOU BABA. We had a son and we named him as SAI.I feel this as new life, which BABA gave us. We are happy now with our small SAI. Vijay I never had any doubt whether Sai existed or not, I try to start my day by praying to Sai and leave rest every thing to Sai. I had many experiences where Sai had proved that he always ready to help his devotees. Recently my wife had lost her favorite gold locket. She generally travels to office by company bus, when she returned home she did not find her locket. She was very depressed, as she believes the locket is very lucky to her. I prayed to Sai if possible please give back her locket; I had total confidence on Sai but not sure, whether she can get back her locket as she commutes by company bus. But two later miraculously she found her locket in the home. I sincerely believe she found her locket just because of Sai. Thanks Sai for showering your blessing on us, please do shower your blessings on all your devotees and mankind. SOURCE: SAI VICHAAR NEWS LETTER QUOTATION "Get out of the circle of time and get into the circle of love" - Rumi, the Sufi poet | |
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Sai Ram To All This happened in January 2008, when I was on a visit to Pune. I landed in Pune airport around 12 noon. As I had the official work only the next day, I wanted to make a trip to Shirdi and be back in Pune. I realized that I forgot to carry my Debit Card and all I had was about Rs.500 and a credit card. I had a nice darshan of BABA at Shirdi and returned to Pune around midnight. I was searching for a decent hotel to stay for the night. All I had was Rs.200 in cash and credit card and my return flight ticket to Chennai. I was desperately searching for a budget hotel where credit card is accepted. Suddenly an autowallah approached me and said he can accommodate me in a decent hotel with credit card acceptance. He took me to the hotel about 20 minutes drive from the bus station. I checked into the hotel using the credit card. I never use credit card to withdraw cash from the ATM. So withdrawing cash from ATM was ruled out. The next morning I got ready to go the place of work, about one hour from the place where I was staying. All I had was Rs.100/- with me. I went down and checked with the hotel guy about the auto fare to that place. I was told that autowallahs charge Rs.200/- to reach the place. I came back to my room and prayed to BABA to help. I took out the SAI SATCHARITA from my bag and I opened randomly by closing my eyes. Lo! To my surprise, I found Rs.100/- in that page. My joy knew no bounds and reached the place after paying Rs.200/-. I returned to the airport in a cab arranged by the staff of the company. This miracle is an ample example, that once again BABA protects his devotees at all times. Om Sai Ram Sai Kumar Source: _________ Devotees Experience By A Sai Devotee It was 24^th April 2009 I came to know that my love Sandeep was suffering from TB but he was unaware of this because he did not go for the x-rays. He used to get little cough, he used to get up in the morning. He was losing weight; He used to get sharp pains in his back at night. He went to his family doctor & the Dr gave him some antibiotic each time & told him to go for the x-rays. Eventually, he left out breath & dizzy. A few days off work he was feeling sick & weak. He went to the Hospital as advised by his Dr. the Dr took x-rays which showed that he was suffering from TB. Then he took the same x-rays to his family Dr to confirm that whether it was true or not. He also said the same thing & found his left lung full of fluid. His Dr suggested him to go & get admitted in the Hospital for 2 days for lung tap. But Sandeep was getting scared & little upset & did not wanted to stay in the Hospital. When I came to know this I was very much tensed & tears was not stopping & I was not getting patience for a minute, but I knew my father my Shree Sai will make everything alright as Baba said have shraddha & saburi. My friend Sheryl also supported me a lot Baba keep her & her family at your lotus feet. I cried a lot in front of Shree Sai Baba & prayed to keep Sandeep healthy like before. Then I gave my Sai's udhi & one orange thread, which I received from Shirdi & tied on his right hand. And the miracle took place I gave him udhi in water & at the same spot he started feeling better then the next day i.e. 27^th April he went to the Hospital the doctor did the check up & told him that there is no need to stay in the Hospital as it will take just half an hour for lung tap & at the same time Sandeep messaged me & I became very excited & I thank Baba the same time the Dr started removing the fluid with an injection. Immediately Sandeep started feeling relaxed & without any pain the fluid has been removed & I am sure the doctor who was removing the fluid was surely my Sai Natha this all happened by my Sai's grace. Now he is diagnosed with TB & had put on a course of drugs for nine months. I am sure these 9 months will also pass soon by my Baba's grace. Sandeep is now tensed of his job please Baba bless him with nice job with suitable timings as u know his first job KFC where he was working was not suitable for him & some or the other way his first job was also responsible for his bad health coz of taking no rest, drinking Pepsi instead of water, coming late from KFC. & having one time meal. I am thankful to Baba for all the miracles I have experienced in my life. I know that is all because of my Shree Sai. Baba create an urge in me to visit Shirdi & get your Blessings always be with my family & with Sandeep's family & bless him with a nice job & keep us all at your lotus feet. source: | |
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Every small gesture I consider as Baba's miracle and it makes me very happy. This is one small incident, which happened a year and a half ago. I shifted from home to another place for my engineering course (which was again Baba's plan, the whole situation I will send as another article later). At home I have a beautiful picture of Baba. It somehow got left back there. When someone went there, I asked my parents to send it to me with him or her, but an event turned up because of which they forgot to send (the person couldn't meet them or something like that turned up). I was very sad but I know that my Baba is always with me so I cheered up again. Then around 2 weeks later, I went to my cousin's place for Diwali. They had just been to Shirdi and they came. My uncle said he got a picture of Baba for me from Shirdi, which he put on Baba's tomb and near Baba's feet. I took the picture and opened it and GUESS WHAT?? It was the EXACT SAME, and I mean EXACT SAME, to the finest detail it was the exact same poster (picture) of Baba I have at home. Baba sent it to me. He knows everything and will do everything to keep his devotees happy. I jumped in joy. Baba is always with all of us. Om Sai ram, please keep blessing, protecting and taking care of all of us Baba. - Nirmala (to Sai Vichaar) Click on the next page to read more experiences of devotees | |
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