Sathya Sai Baba - Pure Love Darshan
An adaptation from the original video production of Prashanti Digital Studio, Prashanti Nilayam
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Sathya Sai Baba - Pure Love Darshan
Sai Darshan Blog 24th March. Today Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living Foundation had an audience with Swami in the morning.
In the evening, the concluding day of the Holi celebrations by the Bihar and Jharkhand devotees had programmes by the Sai youth. Bhagawan arrived at 5.20 pm, and after a round of the verandah, moved in His chair towards the Primary School children. Moving in front of them, He took a round of the students before returning to the interview room, emerging just before six o'clock for the cultural programme. The Sai youth sang songs for half an hour, then presented a half-hour skit on the transformation brought about by the Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Programme. Prasadam was distributed while Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence. Sunday, March 23, 2008: The second day of Holi celebrations by devotees from Bihar and Jharkhand was marked with a drama on Shabari by balvikas children. Bhagawan arrived at 5.45 pm, and went into the interview room as the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall was being arranged for the drama. When He emerged a few minutes later, He first called up some Primary School children and gave them cartons of Easter Eggs and other confections to distribute. The fifty-minute drama then began. Bhagawan was pleased with the performance, and Blessed "Shabari" with a chain, granting group photographs to all the participants. Prasadam was distributed as Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence at seven o'clock. Saturday, March 22, 2008: Devotees from Bihar and Jharkhand had arrived at Prasanthi Nilayam for Holi celebrations, and this evening was the first day of their programmes. Bhagawan arrived at Sai Kulwant Hall at 4.45 pm, welcomed by small children bearing lamps. Once He reached the stage, the programme commenced, with a dance by children while a song on Gayatri was being sung. The musical offerings continued for the next 45 minutes. At the end, Bhagawan Blessed the performers with group photographs and asked them to sing bhajans. Fifteen minutes of their Bhajans followed, till Swami accepted Arati and returned to His residence. Also read Eyewitness account of Holi submitted to SBOI-Group Om Sai ram dearest Sai Family, Like in South Africa its holiday season in India. We had a very long weekend, courtesy of Milad un nabi, Holi and Easter.
There is a big group of about 1000 devotees from the states of Bihar and Jharkand to celebrate fun packed holi festival which every Indian looks forward to.. Holi festival in the modern India has now taken a U turn with Dine and Wine.. But in the Land of of our Lord its only DIVINE. 22 March 08 - The Holi celebrations started when our beloved Lord, blessed all of us with His divine darshan at 4:45 pm. The Balvikas children of Bihar and Jharkhand were ready for the evening programme. There was a beautiful musical programme. After about 45 mins the Programme came to an end and Swami blessed the children with a group photo. Later the devotees sung bhajans while Prasad was distributed. The day came to an end with Arathi to Swami at 6pm. 23 March: This morning Swami didn’t come for darshan. Afternoon, the Bihar and Jharkhand group had yet another programme. The hall was packed by 3pm. It was a long wait for all of us today. .. It was 5:45pm by the time Swami came out for His afternoon darshan. Little girls with lamps in their hands, stood on either side in the ladies’ side to welcome the Lord of the Lords. The car came very slow and when Swami came right in the middle of Kulwanth hall, there was a BIG OOOOOOH from the gents’ side when Swami’s car slowly took a right turn towards the dais, skipping the gents’ side. Swami came on the dias and two little girls went to Swami to take His blessing for the start of the programme. After blessing the kids Swami went into the interview room. After a short while Swami emerged from the interview room. Swami then called upon the primary school boys and handed over boxes of goodies to distribute amongst themselves. Swami then signaled for the programme to start. The balvikas children today had a play titled “Bhakta Sabari”. That devotee, who was near and dear to Lord Rama. The devotee from whom Lord Rama accepted the fruit already eaten by Sabari. That great devotee who gave the message that any thing offered to God with devotion is accepted by Him. The play was well done with beautiful songs in telugu, hindi and dialogues in English. The songs were very touchy especially the one when Sabari Sings when she sees her Lord Rama. “O Lord, you are all pervasive and omniscient, what can I ask You? What do I need other than You? “ How true, what else we need when we have our beloved Swami by our side? The colorful holi ended with such a beautiful play, again reminding us “if there is any thing we should look for, long for , aspire for then its only HIM.. just HIM..There are many rumours of Swami going to whitefield very soon… but on a personal note, I really pray to you dear Lord to let us witness the telugu new year day, UGADI, in Puttaparthi before you leave for your Summer Abode…..With humble pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Lord, Reporting from Kaliyuga’s Mathura… Jai Sai Ram, submitted by SBOI-Group member Satish Naik
Friday, March 15, 2008: Students of the Post-graduate classes at the Sri Sathya Sai University had done well in the All-India GATE exams - Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. Out of the 30 students who wrote the exam, many got very high percentile scores, and the Sai University students also secured All-India Rank numbers 2 and 4 in Physics and 7 in Biosciences. These students were seated in the Bhajan Hall as Bhagawan came while the Bhajans went on. After interacting for a few minutes there, Bhagawan asked them to move to the stage area, and He went there, asking for the Bhajans to stop and for the Vice-Chancellor to announce the good results of these students. Once of the students and Prof. Anil Kumar also spoke, and Swami Blessed one of them with a chain. More darshan details from 15th March >>
Also: Download wallpapers: Milad-un-Nabi The Celebration of the Birth of Prophet Muhammad
Vibuthi Manifestations With Rudraksha at a devotee's home
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"...Yesterday on Swamis pic, 109 Rudraksha appeared... I have taken pics in - Ganesh Ganjawalla
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click the above picture to enlarge | |
Om Sai Ram My name is Kiran Patel and we have Swami's " Shivam" Temple in our house in Nacogdoches. Texas. U.S.A. We had performed 11 GAYATRI yagna by chanting 11 different gayatri's i.e... Gayatri Mantra, Sai Gayatri Mantra, Surya Gayatri.....etc 108 times by doing homa's on March 14th 2008. Yagna was preformed by Rajiv Adatia of UK we took lots of photos of yagna and when we played photos as slide show in one photo Swami has given us divine darshan in flame which is miracle of his. Sri Sathya Sai Baba as Agnipurusha for all of us and we would like to share this with all of our sai brothers & sister around the world. click the above picture to enlarge click here to submit your Sai miracle Photos or email:
Also visit: The phenomenon of Vibhuti in Chile,Sai Baba Center of Viña del Mar - Reñaca, Chile. They show the miraculous manifestation of vibhuti from Baba's photographs see pictures & Divine Vibhuti miracle at Sai Mandir, Monang Maning, Bali
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- ► 12/23 - 12/30 (3)