Tuesday, 6, May Easwaramma Day: Today is the holy occasion of Easwaramma Day, the death anniversary of the Divine Mother. Prasanthi Bulletin: Bhagawan went to His parents' Samadhi in His car on the last two days, and this morning, arrangements were made there for the Eswaramba day celebrations. Vedam procession began from the beginning of Samadhi road after nine o'clock as Bhagawan arrived and proceeded to the Samadhi in His car. Swami went inside the Samadhi with some relatives, and after the function, Arati was offered around half an hour later. Bhajans went on in the Sai Kulwant Hall, and Bhagawan proceeded there where Dhoties and sarees were distributed to the village folk assembled in the Mandir. Prasadam was served in leaf plates, sweet rice and tamarind rice along with laddoo. Bhagawan sat onstage watching the distribution past ten o'clock and then retired to His residence as the food distribution went on. Evening: In the evening, Swami came to Sai Kulwant Hall just after four o'clock. After He came and sat onstage for a few minutes, Prof. Venkataraman was asked to speak, and he spoke about the stature of the mother. Bhagawan then delivered His Divine Discourse, stressing on the importance of love and reverence for parents. After the Discourse, Bhagawan accepted Arati at the end of a few Bhajans and returned to His residence at 6.10 pm. Also Read the submitted darshan news from Puttaparthy to SBOI-Group. Om sairam dear Sai family, Our beloved Lord, after a gap of 18years (if Iam right) celebrated Chosen mother Eswaramma Day in His (body's) Home land. The streets leading to Samadhi of His Parents were beautifully decorated on the occasion. Swami had been to Samadhi yesterday (5th May) twice. This morning He was definitely expected to pay homage to the departed soul. The chosen one, whom Swami loves from the bottom of His heart, on every occasion, like a child, He recollects the fond memories and the quality time He spend with His beloved mother and the kind of personality she was, an ideal one for all the mothers, the role model to all the women. Strict security arrangements were made in the streets leading to samadhi road, even though Swami's street darshan was not new to Puttaparthians, the extra security surprised every one. The Samadhi Road was totally cleared, beautifully decorated with rangolis, flowers on the road and floral decorations in the entrance with huge cutouts of Mother Easwaramma, sweetly smiling at every one. Only the immediate family members were allowed into the samadhi compound. At 8:30 students chanting Vedas entered the premises, followed by bhajan group boys. At 8:55am , a band of Indian musicians entered the samadhi road, followed by swami's family members with flowers and garlands in their hands, and then followed Swami's car. Swami was happy with the way the road was decorated, keenly, ducking a bit, He watched the huge photos of Mother Easwaramma, through His car window. Blessed the small gathering of devotees(which included this body also), who could make it inspite of the security restrictions.. Swami's car then entered the samadhi premises, a red carpet with full of rose petals was laid which led to the Samadhi. Swami's automatic car chair, landed on the red carpet, as the boys chanted Vedas, another group singing Mother Easwaramma Bhajans, and the Musicians playing the divine music. The atmosphere was absolutely divine, personally, I dont remember seeing Easwaramma day in His immediate presence, and I was thrilled to see Swami coming personally to pay homage to His beloved mother.
Swami then got closer to the Samadhi and the family members took over the proceedings. Swami watched every one, and it was a perfect family gathering and Swami had a chance to see (physically) all the grand daughters and grand sons of His brothers and sisters. Swami was in a blissful mood, watching them all, enquiring about their well being and so on After spending a good 30 minutes,Swami asked for arathi. As the arathi was sung, Swami slowly emerged from the Samadhi premises, and all the family members had padanamaskar before He got into His little Toyota Porte. Immediately after Swami left I bowed to Mother Easwaramma's samadhi and after taking prasad went to Sai Kulwanth hall.
It was 9:45 by then. Big vessels of Food was brought in the hall. As Eswaramma Day was celebrated in Swami's presence after a long gap, Swami was giving directions to sevadals and other devotees as how to perform the proceedings. The devotees formed lines inside the Kulwanth hall, and after every thing was set right, Tamarind rice, and sweet rice was served probably meaning, life is a blend of sour and sweet happenings. Swami was seen busy on the stage moving here and there in His car chair. Immediately He sent a word with a devotee, every one should eat stomach full, that was so sweet of Swami, which made me cry. Swami always says, He still sees and speaks to Mother Easwaramma in her physical form and she always gives suggestions to Swami and speaks on behalf of the devotees. I felt probably those words, asking us to eat stomach full, were Mother Easwaramma's words, only a mother wants her children to have a stomach full meal. The divine mother, our Sai Ma, am sure wouldnt have eaten any thing since morning, was giving suggestions to every one that no one should be missed. Sure enough, all the students and seva dals who were serving came back the second time asking if we need more food. It was just a fantastic way to break fast, with bhajans being played on the back ground, as our loving mother Sai watched each one of us. After sumptuous and lip spanking divine break fast as we all thought its time to get up and then came another devotee asking us to sit down as Swami asked to distribute dhotis to gents and sarees to ladies.. what a surprise Swami!!! What good fortune, you feed us, and also give us clothes dont know in which birth Swami had promised us to feed and give us clothing that it is happening now. Mr.Chakravarthi and other elite members close to Swami came till the last row to see if every one were fed and provided with dhotis..
I am sure, Mother Easwaramma, who was verily present in the hall, would be most happiest person on the earth, seeing her beloved child, grow to such an extent, the child who has taken the burden of transforming this Kali-Age on His tender shoulders, that mother who loved her Child, more than her life, now is a house hold name, a hope in every one's life, a mother to every child, a guide to the misled, a teacher to the ignorant, a savior of the poor and down trodden, the Divine Master of this Kali Yuga. This is the way any mother would want her child to be and probably by dedicating a day to Mother, Swami is sending a strong message to all the ignorant children who have forgotten their mothers (many cases after the wife comes into the picture), hopefully, Swami will guide such children and let this Mother child, relationship be as strong as Swami's and as loving as it is with our beloved Lord. It was 10:45am and after every one were happy , Swami signaled for Arathi and retired to His Abode as Mother Easwaramma waited for Him at His Abode to take "Najar"( a ritual performed to take away any bad effects of evil eyes) of Her beloved child who made her dream a reality, bringing smiles in every ones lives What a day it was dear Mother Easwaramma. You are a blessed one and we all are blessed and thank full to you for giving us such a humble and loving Son as our friend, guide, as our mother. Thank You Ma Jai Sai Ram.. submitted by SBOI-Group memeber Satish Naik - Om Sai Ram dear Sai Family The afternoon session of Mother Eswaramma day was also blissful like the morning session. Swami blessed with a lengthy and thought provoking divine discourse..Swami blessed with His divine darshan at 4pm. Swami like it is the tradition now a days, came again in His car chair darshan.. After taking right turn before the gents rows, Swami came on the stage, listened to the veda chant for a while called few students and accepted letters from them and Sathya, the Iranian boy who is studying in Swami's school was called upon and was asked by Swami to chant the Vedas.
Swami later called upon Mr.Venkatraman, a well known and learnt scientist, former vice chancellor of Swami’s university and also my favourite speaker. After taking blessings from Swami, He very interestingly started his speech in Telugu (his mother tongue is tamil), in a readily prepared notes and he seemed very fluent, probably did a nice home work, . thanking Swami for allowing him to speak on this holy occassion. He said, Telugu is very fortunate because, God chose that language as His mother tongue.
Venkatraman was of the opinion that there are only 3 Divine mothers which the man kind has witnessed. In the threta yuga the privilege was given to Kausalya in Dwapara yuga it was Mother Devakis turn and in kaliyuga it was Mother Eswaramma. All the divine mothers had to sacrifice their sons for the man kind.
We all have heard about the three promises, education, hospital and water supply. in 1940 Swami promised Eswaramma that He wont be leaving Puttaparthi and will always live in Puttaparthi. Quoting Swami's example, Venkatraman urged the youth not to leave their mother land in search of money and luxurious life.. Take the example of Parthi, this was a God forsaken village with no road at all and look at it now.. Swami didnt get any funds from the world bank of IMF..you may say Swami is God and that is why this development. You also know, Swami said, if you take one step I will take 100 or a thousand depending on the faith. Be in your mother land, and develop it as much as you can..Dont leave your mother, your mother land and your mother tongue. There are certain mandatory things one should develop in ones own life and that is why Swami even today speaks in Telugu, in spite of knowing other languages.
The child learns language from an illiterate mother. All the children learn from mother and mother is first teacher. That is why in India , they have placed mother before God.
When Adi Sankaracharyas mother died, many asked him not to do the cremation as he is renunciate. He didnt pay any importance to those words and went ahead with the cremation. A mother should be given due respect when she is in body and also when she is not. Many children leave their parents alone and go abroad. They sent chocolates and other gifts once a year on mothers day. Is mother worth of only chocolates?.
When Swami decided to go to Africa Mother Eswaramma was very worried.. she went to every one and tried her best not to sent Swami abroad. She first went to one person and said, they are taking Swami and you stop them. The person replied dont worry swami's going to cities and not to the forest and there wont be any wild animals in the cities.. She was not convinced, she went to another person and asked the same. The person said, . Dont worry there are so many security guards around Swami. They all are well built and trained. As the last resort She went to Joga Rao, and said, you love Swami so much please do something , for which Joga Rao replied Amma Swami is God what are you talking? Mother Eswaramma in a higher tone and very politly said, dont be foolish, I know He is God, You know He is God, do the wild animals know He is God,.( for which even Swami burst into laughter) Mr.Venkatraman the pick of the occasion concluded his talk saying even a divine mother, She is mother first and then only anything else..He finished his speech asking Swami to grant peace and happiness to all the living beings in this world...Later it was Swami's turn to make the evening more memorable.. He asked for the mike and delivered His divine discourse sitting on His throne which made us all happy.. He gave much emphasis on the love one should have on parents probably, He was sending a strong message to the modern youth who are forgetting the parents and ignoring them..
He started His divine discourse appreciating Prof.Venkatraman for his excellent talk and as Prof.Anil Kumar is not in town, Mr.Narasimha Murthy, the warden of Brindavan campus did the interpretation.. Excerpts from Swami's discourse.. based on memory, and not the official version.. I surrender at His lotus feet for any mistakes in this humble offering Students, Venkatraman explained you very clearly about the significance of this day. He is highly educated in the field of nuclear science and has worked in Mumbai ( Bhaba Atomic Research Center ) and has won many laurels for his extra ordinary work in his field. What can I speak about the mother of this body. You got three personalities, the one others think you are , the one you think you are and the one you really are. people who respect their mothers are declining now a days. A mother bears the child for 9 months in the womb and gives everything for the child.. if you forget that mother, it is equal to forgetting God and your self. The first teacher is mother. Your body is nourished because of the mother. You grow up in mother's lap and you are in ecstasy and happiness in her lap. None should forget the love of mother. You should respect parents even before God. When Sankaracharya, lost his mother, he went to the cremation. Many criticized him. Sankaracharya said, I will never give up my mother. No one has any authority to forget the mother.
In front of mother, all the worldly knowledge bears know importance. Our love for mother should remain same while she is in the body and also after she leaves the body. Swami then narrated the last moments of Mother Eswaramma and how she died. Swami was in whitefield then, She called Swami, Swami, Swami three times.I replied , I am coming down. She said, come soon, come soon. I was taking bath then, I came running. And asked if she had taken break fast and coffee. She replied Anni ayyipoyinayi (every thing is finished)... Swami, I shall leave now for which I replied Santhosanga vellu ( you go happily). Dont worry. Dont worry about any thing or any body. She caught My hands firmly, and she closed her eyes. No more words came from her after that. As long as life is there on should look after mother. Once life is gone there is nothing that you can do. Who is the Mother, God is the mother and not the body. Body is like a water bubble. Swami then called for a car, the body was kept in the car and was sent to Puttaparthi. Swami stayed back in Bangalore . All the students were assembled there for Summer course from all over India . Every one thought, Swami wont come on that day. It was 9am in the morning. Swami went to the summer course , smiling and all were amazed. mother didnt go any where. only the body which was called mother is gone. But My mother is always with Me. Therefore Iam not worried about her death. As long as Iam there, Mother is always there. Without, mother, can I exist?. Dont have any doubts about that. Gokak was the VC at that time. He was wonderstruck. What is body after all. As long as the five elements are active, it has life. When they are gone, it has no importance. Dont have any relation with the body. As long as they are in the body give them due respect to her. Dont feel unhappy after she leaves the body. Even in Puttaparthi, people thought how come only body has come without Swami accompanying Mother Eswaramma.. What can I do with just the body?.
She came did her duty and she left. I have to do my work. I am going to start my work, so saying Swami stayed there for 10 days in the summer course. Body is made of five elements. It has to fall one day or other. It is the indweller that is important (dehi) and not the Deha(body.). Dehi is important and not the Deha. You forget about your body in deep sleep. When you forget this body, in just sleep, how can you give that much important. But as long as you are in the body, you have to take care of the body. Dont ignore the body. Maintain it properly, nourishe the body and respect the body. But dont grief after the body has no life. Many ignore their mothers after wife comes. Mother has been with you since your birth and you ignore such a person when a wife comes This is just Verri tanam (madness). Death may come in any form. It has no date. Death is death. It has no symptoms. Be ready any time. Mother should never shed tears because of you. If it happens then it is not good for you. You may have to face the same consequences in future. Mother is verily God. Mother has given the body, father provides nourishment, teacher teaches all the knowledge. dont forget these three people in your life. Father and mother should be on either side of your heart. What ever may be the difficulties, dont say a word to mother.
They should be your best friends. Even if you are not able to feed your self, you dont hesitate even to beg and feed your parents. You should satisfy all the needs. Only then your life is full filled. Reaction resound and reflection are in escapable. If you ignore your parents, you r children will teach you the same lesson in your old age. Never forget your parents. That is why I came all the way to Puttaparthi to be present on this day (loud applauds). I made all the arrangements for this day. All the poor were fed and provided clothing. Never ignore poor people. Never criticize them. Dont ridicule them. That is wrong. You criticize your self before criticizing others. Never criticize your parents.
Swami later asked not to have bad habits and bad company.. He said, Dont take liquor, never gamble. Anger and lust are demonic. You should not give any scope for them. When you are angry dont indulge in any action. After wards you will feel very sad. Therefore, control this anger. These two qualities are very bad. Love God, adore God. God is mother, God is Father, God is everything for you. All your relations should be with GOD. He is omnipresent.
Later He spoke about the boy from Iran , whom Swami hand picked from darshan lines, guided the family who are very humble and simple, and gave admission in His school
You saw a boy from Iran . He is a Muslim boy. In their country even if they utter the word Rama it is a punishable offence. if any ask what is your name he will say Sathyam. Swami then called the boy and asked loudly in English What is your name boy? For which the boy replied Sathya.. Swami called the boy next to Him and then asked him to chant vedas and the boy without any fear, chanted in the immediate presence of the Veda purusha him self, for more than 15 minutes as Swami, like a proud mother, looked upon her little child chanting vedas like a learned scholar. Swami in between called the boy and asked him to chant a particular mantra for which the boy, without any hesitation chanted. The Chancellor, the divine Chancellor, our beloved Swami, was showing what His children are like, pure Diamonds, DIE-MINDS as Swami rightly says... Swami then materialized a golden chain amidst huge applauds and as the boy, rested his head in the lap of the divine Mother, the Mother, our Sai Ma slipped the golden chain, fresh from the divine factory, around the boys neck.
Swami then continued There fore there is everything in the vedas. Hindus, muslims or christains there should not be any differences. The essence of all religions is one. God is One. Names are different. Dont think vedas should be chanted only by Hindus. It is for everyone. It is necessary for everyone to learn Vedas. In Russia , Germany they are learning Vedas and chanting everyday. But Hindus are forgetting this vedic principles. Never forget this vedic principles. Students, what ever you study, dont forget God. Only then you can attain good character. Many people say, I want Shanthi, I want Shanthi, where is peace? Peace is within your self, out side it is PIECES.. Swami then sang the famous Hari Bhajana Bina bhajan after singing three lines, as Swami sipped some water students took over the bhajan session. Prasadam was distributed and after 3 bhajans Swami asked for Arathi, thus ending a beautiful day, a day dedicated to the Divine Mother Eswaramma who will remain in our Hearts till eternity and beyond.