

Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
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Date: Saturday, December 07, 2013
Love is the eternal principle that is present in all. But people are expressing their love for selfish purposes. You should eschew selfishness and self-interest, and develop the spirit of sacrifice with courage and conviction. How can you become courageous? It is possible only when you practice righteousness (Dharma). Many noble persons have sacrificed their lives for the cause of Dharma and never craved for name and fame. Sacrifice (Thyaga) is true Yoga. You too should practice this Yoga and become deserving of Divine Grace. Any activity done with a business-mind will not make you happy. Enquire within yourself and develop the spirit of sacrifice. Only then there will be a transformation of heart. So long as you do not give up selfishness, you cannot achieve anything worthwhile in life. You should cast aside selfishness and cultivate selflessness.
(Divine Discourse, Nov 22, 2003)
Date: Friday, December 06, 2013
Yesterday's thought
The same, nameless, formless and attributeless Divinity is referred to as Atma, Brahman or Vishnu by different people. The underlying principle (Atma Tattwa) is one and the same. Take the example of a house. In the front portion of the house, you will find a verandah, then a living room and also a kitchen. Thereafter, you will find a bathroom and a toilet too. Thus, there are different names for different utilities. How did they acquire these names? It is only because they are so divided by walls, for different purposes. But the truth is they are all parts of the same house. Similarly, different people have different names and they establish different relationships with many people like mother, father, brother, etc. From where did these relationships come? Everything is your own making. Remove these barriers. What then remains is a vast expanse of Oneness.
(Divine Discourse, Oct 21, 2003)
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Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...

Date: Friday, December 06, 2013
The same, nameless, formless and attributeless Divinity is referred to as Atma, Brahman or Vishnu by different people. The underlying principle (Atma Tattwa) is one and the same. Take the example of a house. In the front portion of the house, you will find a verandah, then a living room and also a kitchen. Thereafter, you will find a bathroom and a toilet too. Thus, there are different names for different utilities. How did they acquire these names? It is only because they are so divided by walls, for different purposes. But the truth is they are all parts of the same house. Similarly, different people have different names and they establish different relationships with many people like mother, father, brother, etc. From where did these relationships come? Everything is your own making. Remove these barriers. What then remains is a vast expanse of Oneness.
(Divine Discourse, Oct 21, 2003)
Date: Thursday, December 05, 2013
Yesterday's thought
Always remember that your education is not merely to amass wealth or to eke out a livelihood. Money cannot confer true happiness. Do not deviate from Right Conduct (Dharma) for the sake of wealth (Dhana). Dharma is our life; Truth is our breath; and Good Reputation is our wealth. You should not crave for worldly name and fame. Once you practise Dharma, you will naturally attain good reputation. Dharma is related to the heart. Practise of Dharma is termed as Ritam which will make you immortal. We have today forgotten the great scholars and those who demonstrated great ideals. We should remember people who have sacrificed their life for a noble cause and try to emulate them. It is the spirit of sacrifice that has protected and sustained this country and this Universe for many generations. Offer your lives for the protection of Dharma and not for amassing wealth.
 (Divine Discourse, Nov 22, 2003)
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Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...

Date: Thursday, December 05, 2013
Always remember that your education is not merely to amass wealth or to eke out a livelihood. Money cannot confer true happiness. Do not deviate from Right Conduct (Dharma) for the sake of wealth (Dhana). Dharma is our life; Truth is our breath; and Good Reputation is our wealth. You should not crave for worldly name and fame. Once you practise Dharma, you will naturally attain good reputation. Dharma is related to the heart. Practise of Dharma is termed as Ritam which will make you immortal. We have today forgotten the great scholars and those who demonstrated great ideals. We should remember people who have sacrificed their life for a noble cause and try to emulate them. It is the spirit of sacrifice that has protected and sustained this country and this Universe for many generations. Offer your lives for the protection of Dharma and not for amassing wealth.
 (Divine Discourse, Nov 22, 2003)
Date: Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Yesterday's thought
In every one of you, God is the moving spirit, the very Soul; how then can you be evil, when you are here fulfilling God's purpose, according to His will, His plan and His law? God has endowed you with many faculties so that you may seek Him and reach Him. You are not therefore, a helpless and neglected individual undergoing a sentence of death. You are an embodiment of bliss, born to a rich heritage, which is all yours! Only you fail to ask. Have faith in your destiny and work steadily to attain it! Devotion is attachment to God - you need not leave hearth and home for it. If the seed is planted away from the parent tree, will it grow any different? No! Boil the seed and then it will not grow again. Similarly, boil your instincts and impulses, and scorch the sensory cravings that enslave you. Then you will get nearer to God, wherever you may be.
(Divine Discourse, Jun 25, 1960)
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Just a reminder, if you are on Facebook then you should join our Sai Ram Facebook-page. We are nearing the 125,000 mark and unlike a lot of pages that are created and you join and then nothing beneficial ever happens, we actually send out daily Sai Baba updates and give exclusive content/images on most of our postings.
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...

Date: Wednesday, December 04, 2013
In every one of you, God is the moving spirit, the very Soul; how then can you be evil, when you are here fulfilling God's purpose, according to His will, His plan and His law? God has endowed you with many faculties so that you may seek Him and reach Him. You are not therefore, a helpless and neglected individual undergoing a sentence of death. You are an embodiment of bliss, born to a rich heritage, which is all yours! Only you fail to ask. Have faith in your destiny and work steadily to attain it! Devotion is attachment to God - you need not leave hearth and home for it. If the seed is planted away from the parent tree, will it grow any different? No! Boil the seed and then it will not grow again. Similarly, boil your instincts and impulses, and scorch the sensory cravings that enslave you. Then you will get nearer to God, wherever you may be.
(Divine Discourse, Jun 25, 1960)
Date: Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Yesterday's thought
Do not consider prayer and meditation (japam and dhyanam) as the pastime of 'freaks, geeks and cracks'. Hold fast to them, for they alone can save you from ruin. Offer to the Lord, not flowers got in exchange for a few coins or rupees from the shop, but the fragrant flowers of your own virtues. Let tears of joy be the holy water with which you seek to wash the feet of the Lord. Consider the Lord you adore, be it Hanuman or Krishna or Jesus, as comprising of all forms of Divinity. Do not argue that other forms are less and your form is greater. Be aware that every form of Divine is equally sweet.
(Divine Discourse, Nov 25, 1964)
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Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011


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