Sai Baba Darshan News Photo & Latest Sai Updates Shivarathri 2010 Photos & Video updates Sai News Archive - Dec. 09 - Nov. 09 - Oct.09 - Sep.09 - August 09 - July 09 - June 09 - May 09 - April 09 - March 09 - Feb.09 - Jan. 09 Text & photo source: Prasanthi Diary, - - Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - & SBOI group. | Current Sai Baba News| | <<Back to Sai Darshan News February 2010 | 25 FEBRUARY 2010 DARSHAN UPDATE | Mother of Mine - Mother Divine - Sai Youth Australia Program |  | Om Sairam dearest Sai family, Puttaparthi the Abode of Highest peace is buzzing with thousands of devotees every day. The crowd is growing and growing day by day...Very surprisingly the mercury levels are touching 40 degrees and the summer season has not yet started. The heat is too much now a days. Due to the recent terror attacks elsewhere in India, stringent security measurements are being taken in Puttaparthi by the police department. Right at the Ganesha gate there are sevadals thoroughly checking every one like they check before entering Sai Kulwanth Hall. There are also reports that CC cameras would be put at 25 strategic points in the main roads of Puttaparthi. Now a days Swami's sweet uncertainties have completely become unpredictable. If you see the past week's evening darshan timings of Swami the average darshan was at 6:30pm. 25th February 2010. Right now in Puttaparthi there is a group of 3000 devotees from the district of Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh. There is also a group of WELL BEHAVED 200 youth from Australia who reminded me of Sai Youth from Puppet's group. The brothers and sisters are very well behaved. The way they come to darshan, go in line after darshan is something which is to be noted. The Youth who are here for the past 10 days came here with a hope to perform before Swami. The drama entitled Mother of Mine, Divine Mother was being practiced for almost 6 months. It was a very hard work for the youth who were living in different parts of Australia and it was a perfect display of team work.  Swami had given permission to perform this evening and they were seated right in the middle of the Sai Kulwanth hall. the hall was completely full in no time with the 3000 plus devotees from Adilabad. The veda chanting started at 4pm until 5pm. As the Australian youth were ready with the programme the bhajans didn't start at 5pm. Every one of us were eagerly waiting for our beloved Lord, to bless us with His divine darshan. It was 5:30, 6pm still no signal of His arrival. There were some anxious faces in the crowd. The Youth in particular, were bit worried as what would happen to their performance. I am sure they were praying very hard, in fact that would have been a very sincere and intense prayer which they would never have done in their life time. Infact it is once in a life time chance for them to perform before Swami. They didn't want this golden chance to lose. Every one were looking at the clock. It was 6:45pm it was getting more and more tense. Many started murmuring, very strange talks, some said the darshan will be cancelled, some said may be Swami is not in good health and what not. When we look in a deeper level, Swami by making us wait is actually teaching the game of PATIENCE. As the saying goes, Patience is mightier than a big ocean. By coming out late for darshans, in the recent past, Swami is probably hinting it is about time for all of us to STOP running after HIS PHYSICAL FORM, instead look at the SWAMI within us who is always with us.  Many devotees say we have travelled thousands of miles to reach Parthi, which is not true at all. If we can travel an inch within us, is enough to claim that we have made the PILGRIMAGE TO PARTHI. The sincere prayers of those fortunate 200 plus Australian youth combined by few thousands who were assembled in Sai Kulwanth hall, was fructified when Swami came out to grant His divine darshan at 7pm, yes you read it right 7pm. Swami always asks us to love His uncertainty and only He can explain why. Seated on His mobile throne, Swami entered the Sai Kulwanth hall, smiling at His chosen ones. Accepting letters, blessing every one. Swami made a full round of Sai Kulwanth hall and came on to the dais. Swami after listening to the veda chanting for few minutes, signalled for the programme to start. Four brothers and sisters from Australian sai youth went upto Swami to take his blessings and the programme started with a sister, speaking in telugu, thanked Swami for the wonderful opportunity. It was the turn of a Sai brother who again spoke in telugu. It was very nice to hear their telugu which had a bit of Australian accent.  The programme started with a beautiful and well scripted drama Mother of mine divine mother. The drama starts with a ice cream vendor selling ice cream to two children with their mum. The children loved their mother so much and vice versa. They promise mother that they will give all the comforts and treasures of the world when they grow up. The next scene the children are grown up and they both are qualified for scholarships in elite schools. The same time mother gets a medical report from a hospital which says that she has cancer. Looking at the happiness of her children mum decides keep the news to herself, and not to spoil the happy moments. As the time passes, the children are now grown ups. They are working in big jobs and one becomes a pilot. Suddenly one day they get a call from the hospital, saying that their mother has cancer, her condition is bit serious and both the children are shocked and both rush to home. Seeing at the pitiable situation of the mother both the sons are touched. The doctor says, your mother needs the love of near and dear ones. The brother who is a pilot decides to stay with his mother sacrificing the job where as the other one says his career is in the peak stage with big projects in the offering. He decides not to stay with the mother.  Mean while mother's health deteriorates further. The brother who left his mother, incurs heavy loss, even loses his job. Unhappy with his professional life, he comes home. The brother who is a pilot tells him, probably it is too late for him to come home. Mother is on the death bed. Here comes the most sentimental and heart touching part of the drama. The mother is lying on the bed, the two children are weeping sitting next to her bed. The dialogues in the drama touch the pinnacle. Here is the dying mother, two children crying for help and there is our beloved Lord, (equally immersed in the drama) watching them as though it is real. It sounded like a real life incident as the actors were totally involved in the play. The brother who abandoned the mother was crying for help. He was praying My mother used to say, in times of difficulty, there is only one person who could come to our rescue and He is Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Swami please save my mother one time “. The brother delivered the dialogue looking at Swami and every one of us felt the urge and pain in the prayer.. just then the doctor who was treating the mother enters the scene. Doctor says, there was lot of vibhuthi materialized in one picture of Bhagawan and the first person I thought of was your mother. I have got some Vibhuti for your mother and this might cure her illness.  As soon as the doctor applies the vibhuthi, mother raises from her death bed amidst huge round of applauds from the audience. Swami was very touched by this particular scene. That was a beautiful drama, with no big hungama. It was very simple and humble. No big costumes, no big back ground effects. The message was conveyed in a very simple way without beating round the bush. Probably devotees who are planning to have plays before Swami should put their dramas bit simple and short like this one (well that's only a thought)  The next programme was a musical programme to start with was a telugu song entha hayi entha hayi eevela. The brothers and sisters from Australia also sang Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva anarada, mee chintalella bapikona manarada, a very rare, forgotten telugu song which was written by Swami. This song has a telugu folk style tune but has the Atma Gnana. The singing was perfect. Even though it were the Australians that were singing telugu songs, but they did a fantastic job It was almost 8:20pm and Swami signalled for arathi. After the arathi, Swami came down the dais and distributed clothes for every one in the Australian Sai Youth group and even blessed them with a group photo.  I am sure the years of yearning and prayers, of those humble brothers and sisters was fructified in the form of this beautiful evening which was completely spent with our beloved Lord. Swami never disappoints any of His devotees if the prayer comes from the heart.. Swami is very keen about the youth and this youth stole His heart successfully and lets hope the tempo and dedication remains the same. May the whole world be happy and blissful..... Submitted to SBOI-Group  <<Back to Sai Darshan News February 2010 | More Photos & Update (SSSBPT) from 25th Feb. | Posted at 17:30:00 Hrs. IST on Feb 26, 2010 "Mother and Love for Mother" has been one of the ideals set forth by Bhagawan for the world to watch and emulate. Bhagawan has been living this ideal all through His life setting the trend of practising before preaching and quite often we hear Bhagawan hailing the unsullied love of "Divine Mother" Mother Easwaramma. There was no better theme for a group of "Australians" to stage a drama for the evening than the one that is dear most for the Lord…the Pristine Love of Motherhood. The drama for the evening "Mother of Mine – Mother Divine" was the story of the pristine saga of motherhood that loves without any selfish traits, without any expectations in return. The Drama depicted that it is only when we win the Love of our mother that we may know and enjoy the sweet nectar of Love from Divine Mother Sai. In the drama two boys, Shane and Nick were both busily engaged in their respective professions, when they received notice that their mother was ill with cancer. They were plunged into a dilemma as to who would look after their mother. Nick displayed reluctance, while Shane stayed by his mother's side sacrificing his career remembering the life time of sacrifice she made for him. Nick returned to work, but at a low point in his career he realised his folly in giving the world priority over His mother. When Nick returned to His mother's side, even Bhagawan reflected the deep emotion as though He was thoroughly engrossed in the Drama. Of course, there was a subtle underlying meaning that He alone was the mother in the play and His children returned to the ultimate source that is the fountainhead of all auspiciousness. The drama staged well beyond the twilight under the light had emotions running through as the Mother with her all conquering selfless love for children hiding a just received intimation from Sacred Heart Hospital about herself being down with cancer, on a day when her children were to fly overseas having earned scholarship abroad for higher studies. While the folly of choosing the world and career over mother was revealed with Nick meeting with his low in career, the revelation came in the interval through a flashback scene when an old ice-cream vendor handed over a letter dated X-X-2005 from Sacred Heart Hospital informing the mother of her illness. The letter was incidentally left at the Ice Cream vendor by mere coincidence, by an upset mother, who wanted to hide the fact from her children who were amidst celebrations of their achievements. Emotions continued with Nick returned to the mother and when the doctor revealed of Bhagawan's involvement in the form of Vibhuti Prasadam that finally saved the mother, canceling the cancer. At the completion of the drama, Swami asked 'Is everything over?' It was conveyed that the Sai youth had practiced some songs, and if Swami wills it they would sing. In His infinite compassion, though it was already 7:50 pm and student fraternity was present, Swami advised 'Let them sing'. After an introduction in the form of an expression of gratitude, one of the Sai Youth narrated a telugu poem followed by the Sai Youth singing with gusto. The first song conveyed the bliss they felt in being able to express their gratitude and Love to Swami 'Yenta Hai Yenta Hai Eenadu' The meaning of the song conveying the joy they felt that Bhagawan had taken all the trouble to walk and see them. As this song progressed to second speed, Swami nodded His head to the beat. As the drums commenced for the second song 'You Raise Me Up', Swami closed His eyes and raised His hand appropriately – lifting the spirits of all present to a higher plane. Lovingly He maintained beat with His hand. The Sai youth then proceeded to sing Swami's own composition 'Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Yana-radda'. Reminding their minds in the Lord's presence, to keep the senses in check and spend every moment of their lives chanting Bhagawan's Name. Once again, as the song started, Swami's expression conveyed a deep felt emotion. The final song "I Love You Swami" allowed the Sai youth and those present to express their heartfelt Love for Bhagawan again. At the completion of this song, Swami signaled for Arathi which was offered by the Youth. On completion of Arathi and Universal prayer, Kumar Venkat, an alumnus of Sri Sathya Sai University and the group leader, approached Swami again and requested if Swami wills the Sai youth would Love to have a photo with Him. Swami said "Yes, Yes I'll come". …and He moved down the dais posing for a coveted photo session for boys and girls separately. When the group joined in chorus echoing: "We Love You Swami" He said "I Love you too". Swami then returned to the dais and gave signal for the distribution of prasadam and clothes. As He was leaving the dais He turned raising His hands in blessing. Earlier 'the day' began almost when the twilight was giving away to the nightfall. Bhagawan came at 7:05 pm glittering under the lights. The group of 175 Sai Youth from Australia had been awaiting The Lord from 3 pm onwards. Girls clothed in sari's of green and gold, boys in white had been a perfect show of patience, perseverance and devotion as they stuck to their seat without moving, in all eagerness with silent prayer on their lips. As He entered to the accompaniment of the Shanthi Mantra, and approached the Sai Youth, His head turned to embrace them with a smile. Passing the drama cast, Bhagawan raised His hand in blessing. His expression took on a look of comical surprise when He saw that one of the youth boys was dressed as a female for the drama. After giving darsan in the gents' side, with a loving gaze Swami passed the Sai youth again. Encircling the dais, behind the Ganesh statue, He took His seat at the front, as the 'Mantra Pushpam' was chanted. The Sai youth joined in chanting the Vedas. Swami then gestured for the programme. A male Sai youth presented Swami with a rose, followed by two boys who presented Swami with a card. The card had 175 hearts in which each of the Australian youth had written 'I Love You'. A female Sai youth then presented Swami with a rose and two girls presented Him with the programme. As the programme was described to Swami, they spoke to Him. "175 youth are here Swami," they said, "We are here to express our gratitude and Love. We Love you very much." Swami nodded His head and whispered "Australia?", so quietly that He had to ask a second time to which the youth responded 'Yes Swami'. They took padanamaskar before returning to their seats. With His Divine nod started the drama, "Mother of Mine – Mother Divine" Bhagawan was engrossed in the drama, watching each actor intensely, whilst at same time, lovingly caressing the rest of the group with His compassionate gaze as they watched Him. It was past 8:30 pm when the Lord retired to Yajur Mandiram.He left them overwhelmed by granting a colourful evening-turned-twilight-turned-night session under the lights lighting many a heart, reciprocating to their love for Mother Sai!!! Text & photo source: Prasanthi Diary, - - Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - & SBOI group. | |