Sri Sathya Sai Baba Mahasamadhi Darshan | |
Music College and Anantapur ProgrammeSaturday, January 14th, 2012 | |
The fourth day of Annual Sports and Cultural Festival was a musical treat in Prasanthi Nilayam. Senior students from the Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music commenced with 'Sri Ganapathi Nee Sevimpa'. They performed many Thyagaraja Pancharatna Kirtis including Jagadanandakaraka, sahasinche oh manasa, upacharamulanu chekonavayya and a Hindustani number, " Japath Prabhu Ramachandra" before concluding auspiciously with the "Jaya Mangalam, Nitya Shuba Mangalam" The vocal concert also featured some stirring solo performances on the Veena and the Percussions. The backdrop was also befitting the occasion featuring an Idol of Lord Rama and a portrait of Thyagaraja immersed in music. This was followed by a fusion music presentation by the Anantapur Campus of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. Members of the Institute Brass Band and the Panchavadyam group together with traditional instruments like Violin and Tabla presented a Jugalbandi in the Divine Presence. Starting with Stotrams like Vakratunda and Shantakaram, they went on to the genres of carnatic music with "Raghuvamsa sudha" and western with "Heal the World" before concluding with Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans. To the final song the students worshiped Bhagawan with many traditional forms of lamps . One of the visually challenged teachers of the campus presented an autobiographical book documenting her experiences with Bhagawan while the students performed Bhajans from an Audio CD they released. Another significant feature was the exquisite backdrop that was made for the occasion in the form of a grand mandapam with many lamps. At the end of the programme, the valedictory function of the Sports and Cultural Festival was announced for 09:00 am on the Holy Makara Sankranthi Day, tomorrow. |
Sai Baba News - Sai Baba Teachings - Sai Travel log - Divine discourses - Sai Seva News - Avatar's Life and message PRASANTHI NEWS
Music College and Anantapur Programme Saturday, January 14th, 2012 - - Annual Sports & Cultural Meet 2012- Update-Photos-Video
PRASANTHI UPDATE AND PHOTOS - Sports Day in Prasanthi - Spectacular Sports & Cultural Meet
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Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - - Prasanthi Diary -| Web layout - Photo graphic design : "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation | |
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Live - Annual Sports and Cultural Meet Next Live Video Webcast will be at around 5.00 p.m. (IST) - Jan 13, 2012 Spectacular Sports & Cultural Meet…The sheen of the Sports and Cultural Meet of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions was present in all its vibrancy this year too at the Hill View Stadium. On the scheduled morning on Jan 11th, the students put up a grand show befitting the occasion.At 0800 hrs. Bhagawan was symbolically ushered in the stadium. A convertible bearing the photograph of Bhagawan was escorted by motor bike riders, brass band of Prasanthi Nilayam and Anantapur Campus and the flag march squad. A throne with a photograph was placed on the stage. The proceedings of this session began with the march past of the students of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions. After the oath was administered to the students, the athlete squad of students in batches of two carried the traditional torch to be lit on the Hanuman Hill. The lighting of the ceremonial flame was carried out the Game's Mascot, Nandi, the celestial vehicle of Lord Siva atop the Hill. This marked the ceremonial commencement of Annual Sports and Cultural Meet 2012. The first campus to make their presentation was the Prasanthi Nilayam students. The feats they performed were marked by skill, balance, dexterity, verve and athleticism. The first presentation was remote controlled hand gliders soaring in the sky and making perfect landing. These planes were astutely controlled by students. A huge structure, a replica of the Institute's emblems with two swans was then wheeled in the stadium. What followed was Yogasanas performed dexterously on ropes. They presented Mudras like Chin Mudra and Dhyana Mudra with perfection. Coordination and harmony with flags to the beat of Chinese drums was the next item. Calling themselves "Dynamists", a group of students performed various aerobic exercises. Martial arts performed with Nunchakus and the finesse with they handled the traditional weapon was pleasing to the eye. A contemporary dance performed with deftness was followed by Bhangra performed with verve. A display of Karate and performance of various Katas was the next item. The students exhibited combat situations and crushed tiles like a seasoned Karateka. To top it all, an adventurous feat was performed on a student lying on a bed of nails; a slab stone was broken with sledge hammer. Students dressed as warriors exhibited real fight-like situations with sticks. The last item of the Prasanthi Nilayam campus was breathtaking stunts on bikes. "Zoomsters," as they were called, the students rode with ease while making various formations, criss-crossing each other at blinding speeds, playing guitar on a bike, exhibited perfect balance with a student climbing a ladder on the bike and a group of students making formations like lotus on a single bike. Obstacles became obsolete in the hands of these students. They crossed with consummate ease barriers and smashed through a glass wall, jumped through a ramp at great speed and made the final formation saluting their Master, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The second performance for the session was by the students of Anantapur Campus. Naming their presentation "Sai Seeking Almighty Inside," the students performed an Egyptian Sufi dance and Dervishes dance of Turkey whirling and swirling to a song, formed pyramids with ease, made various formations on roller skates. The skaters displayed graceful movements, making synchronous formations. Their last performance was beautiful colourful formations with a rotating circular hoop-like structure. After their performance, the students made the final formation bowing to Bhagawan. The session concluded with Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan at 1015 hrs. Evening Session: As in the morning session, Bhagawan was ushered into the stadium by a motorbike escort group. A beautiful photograph of Bhagawan placed in a convertible was brought into the stadium as the devotees had Darshan of their Lord. Then tiny tots offered bouquets at the throne placed on the stage. "Sai is Everywhere Now and Forever Why Fear I am Here" was the theme of the presentation of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School, Prasanthi Nilayam. As has been always, The Primary School presentation was a riot of colour, abounded with a spectrum of colourful hues suffused with synchronisation and coordination. Tiny tots danced to lilting music and beats played in the public address system. If the sunflower dance wowed the audience with its innovation, an equally beautiful dance of twitter of birds was a treat; the flapping of wings seen from a distance gave a virtual feast to the eye. A group of boys making wonderful balancing acts too won plaudits from the audience. The next performance was from the students of Smt. Easwaramma English Medium School. With perfectly coordinated movements, these tiny tots too added colour and variety to the evening session. The highlight was a Krishna dance with gopalas. The childhood pranks of Krishna were well portrayed; stealing of butter incident and killing of the serpent Kaliya etc. Lord Krishna holding the steeds of the horse and guiding the chariot in the Mahabharata war too was aptly portrayed by the students. This was followed by a short performance by the students of College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield. A demonstration of Katas in the art of Karate and breaking of tiles with fire lit was displayed by the nursing students. Beautiful formations with spinning of ribbons and the formation of the word 'Love' with long tapes of cloth stood out in their performance. The last programme of the evening session was from the students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Brindavan Campus. They began with a display of Yogasanas invoking Sun God with Mantras. An exhibition of the game of football, volleyball, basketball followed next. The display of game of basketball needs special mention as the students spun the basketball in their forefinger with skill and dunked the ball in the basket after getting elevation from a ramp with dexterity. What followed was synchronised movements on wheels by gymnasts. This item required coordination and balance to the core. Display of different strokes in the game of Cricket and making of various formations with LED lights embedded on them followed next. Calling themselves "Blazing Spirits," the Brindavan students lit the evening sky with a fire drill. The precise movements of the torch bearers won special praise from the audience. Formations like Swastik, Sudarshan Chakra, "We Love You" and "Sai Ram" gave a beautiful sight in the fading day-light. The performance ended with Mexican wave movement, which was an icing on the cake of their performance. Mangala Arathi was offered at 1840 hrs. that marked the grand finale of the Sports Day in Prasanthi Nilayam. II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II | |
Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - - Prasanthi Diary -| Web layout - Photo graphic design : "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation |
UPDATE - Annual Sports and Cultural Meet - LIVE WEBCAST - PHOTOS
Annual Sports & Cultural Meet gets underway …The Annual Sports & Cultural Meet 2012 of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions began with a march past of the students of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions this morning. Earlier at 0800 hrs., Bhagawan was symbolically ushered in the stadium. |
A convertible bearing the photograph of Bhagawan was escorted by motor bike riders, brass band of Prasanthi Nilayam and Anantapur Campus and the flag march squad. There were two performances for the morning session. To begin with, the Prasanthi more with today's photos and videos |
Presentation by Children from Australia - Monday, January 9th, 2012
Presentation by Children from Australia Monday, January 9th, 2012 |
Children from Australia presented a music programme and skit entitled "Australia Dreaming". The theme of the programme is to show the unity between the rich and ancient aboriginal culture of Australia and the timeless teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The programme started with an introductory talk by Ms Sheila Nagaratnam who narrated the backdrop of the pilgrimage and Bhagawan's instructions to her on an interview many years more with today's photos |
LATEST PRASANTHI NEWS AND PHOTOS – Balvikas Conference Begins – Balvikas Group III and Alumni Meet
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Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - - Prasanthi Diary - | Web layout - Photo graphic design : "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation | ||
Balvikas Conference Begins - Balvikas Group III and Alumni Meet Saturday, January 7, 2012 | ||
The All India Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Group III and Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni programme began today at 1030hrs at Poornachandra Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam with the lighting of the lamp by Dr. Keki Mistry, Trustee, Sri Sathya Sai Trust, Maharashtra. He was accompanied on the stage by Shri S. V. Giri, Shri Sanjay Sahani and Shri Nimish Pandya. Shri R J Ratnakar was also present at the function. The programme commenced with veda chanting by the delegates followed by the inaugural address by Dr. Keki Mistry. Sri Nikhil Koushik, a Balvikas alumni spoke next on the purpose and objectives of the meet. Thereafter, two melodius group theme songs, Akhanda Jyot Jalao and Sai Kiran Jalate Chal, were presented by the delegates. An inspirational talk by Dr. Sanjay Sahani, Director, Brindavan Campus SSSIHL followed. The programme concluded at 1215hrs with Arati offered to Bhagawan. | ||
Speeches and Songs light up the Balvikas Convention Saturday, January 7th, 2012 | ||
The afternoon session of the All India Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Group III and Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni Convention commenced at Sai Kulwant Hall at 1630hrs with Veda chanting. Two talks by current Balvikas students and two talks byBalvikas Alumni were interspersed by cultural programmes. Delegates from Kerala presented an instrumental music concert titled "NaadaLaya" while alumni delegates from Karnataka and Maharashtra presented a vocal concert titled "Sri Sathya Sai Mahima". The programme concluded with another vocal presentation by upcoming artist Ms. Jyoti. All participants were honoured with clothes and Prasadam was distributed to the assembly. | ||
Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Convention – Day 2 Sunday, January 8th, 2012 | ||
Morning Session: The second day of the conference of the All India Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Group III and Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni programme, commenced at 10:23 am at Poornachandra Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam. After the inspiring address by Sri Keki Mistry, Ms.Yunita Pandey and Ms.Shrunkala narrated to the assembled delegates how Bal Vikas helped them in their lives. Thereafter, two melodius group theme songs, Antar Jyoti jalao man me and Sai the Lord of our heart, were presented by the delegates. Dr. Shashank Shah of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning spoke about ten-point programme for spiritual growth, and was very well received by the delegates. Alumni student Master Bhaskar played "Chitta Chora Yashoda Ke Bal…" on the flute while Kum. Madhavi narrated a Hindi poetry. Sri Nimish Pandya gave the concluding address. Arati was offered at 12:45 pm. Evening Session: The evening session commenced with group songs followed by two theme talks by delegates. A Compendium of articles by Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni was released and offered at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Outstanding Alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas were felicitated with achievement awards followed by the unveiling of Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Logo. Sri Nimish Pandya introduced Sri Satyajit, a Balvikas Prodigy from Kerala who gave a confident oration followed by Veda Chanting and Bhajan Singing. The performance earned a thundering applause for the tiny tot which lasted for several minutes. A recording from Bhagawan's discourse inspiring the Balvikas children to practice incessantly the values learnt inspired the delegates. The programme concluded with an instrumental presentation by delegates from Chennai. The participants were honoured with clothes while gifts were shared with all the delegates. Prasadam was distributed to the assembly even as the participants and price winners got the opportunity to get group photographs in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum. | ||
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Date: Monday, January 09, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY When studying in the primary classes many children conduct themselves with humility, discipline and goodness. However when they reach the Secondary School, they lose some of these qualities. When they go to college, almost everything is gone! Why? It is the teachers who account for their discipline and good behaviour in the Primary School. In the higher classes and in colleges, is anything done through precept and practice to promote character and spirituality among the students? Today, education is sought for getting a job; this is not proper. Education is for developing right understanding. Students should imbibe culture along with academic knowledge. Spirituality and morality should be promoted among the students. Of all the professions in the world, that of the teacher is the most estimable. The teacher has to impart to the students what is good and ennobling. This should be developed in all educational institutions. -BABA Yesterday's Thought Date: Sunday, January 08, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Everyone has to do action (Karma); if not the world itself will come to a nought. Everyone in the world is bound by the obligation of Karma. Wisdom (Jnana) is the final goal and gain of all Karma; wisdom is the treasure won by one's efforts to purify the mind and to earn the grace of God. What is this wisdom? Through wisdom, you experience that God is present in everyone and everywhere. All are in you, you are in all. You must get this conviction fixed in your consciousness, by means of analysis, discrimination and intellectual exploration. Isolate and dismiss from your consciousness the impressions of the senses, the mind, the intelligence, etc. You must carry out every single act of yours with this wisdom (Jnana) as its background and conviction. -BABA | ||
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