

Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
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Date: Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Lord's Grace is like rain - pure water, falling equally and consistently everywhere. However, the same rainwater's taste gets changed according to the soil through which it flows, and the container which holds it. So also, the Lord's words are sweet to some, bitter to others. The Lord's ways are mysterious. You do not know the real reasons behind the actions of the Lord. You cannot understand the motives of another man who like you has intentions, likes and dislikes. But yet, how easily you decide the motives of One who is far above your level! How glibly you talk and judge something that is as strange to you, as atmosphere is to a fish! All you must remember is that God is your eternal companion and watchman – Live with this steady faith in Him, adore Him, and seek His ever comforting creative presence always.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Friday, January 25, 2013
Yesterday's thought
Once, Krishna and Arjuna were walking together, along a beautiful path. Seeing a bird in the sky, Krishna asked Arjuna, "Is that a dove?" Arjuna replied instantly, "Yes, it is a dove." A few seconds later, Krishna asked, "Arjuna, is that bird an eagle?" Arjuna responded, "Yes Krishna, it is an eagle." A few seconds later, Krishna asked, "Arjuna, this does not look like an eagle – it looks like a crow to me. Is it not?" Arjuna replied, "Yes Krishna, it is a crow beyond doubt!" Krishna laughed and chided him for agreeing with whatever suggestions He gave. Arjuna responded, "Krishna, for me, your words are far more trustworthy than the evidence of my eyes. When you say something, you have the power to make it so – be it a crow, dove or eagle. Hence, if you said it is a crow, it must be so!" Implicit Faith is the secret to spiritual success. Always remember that the Lord loves, not the devotee but the devotion.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
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Date: Friday, January 25, 2013
Once, Krishna and Arjuna were walking together, along a beautiful path. Seeing a bird in the sky, Krishna asked Arjuna, "Is that a dove?" Arjuna replied instantly, "Yes, it is a dove." A few seconds later, Krishna asked, "Arjuna, is that bird an eagle?" Arjuna responded, "Yes Krishna, it is an eagle." A few seconds later, Krishna asked, "Arjuna, this does not look like an eagle – it looks like a crow to me. Is it not?" Arjuna replied, "Yes Krishna, it is a crow beyond doubt!" Krishna laughed and chided him for agreeing with whatever suggestions He gave. Arjuna responded, "Krishna, for me, your words are far more trustworthy than the evidence of my eyes. When you say something, you have the power to make it so – be it a crow, dove or eagle. Hence, if you said it is a crow, it must be so!" Implicit Faith is the secret to spiritual success. Always remember that the Lord loves, not the devotee but the devotion.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Thursday, January 24, 2013
Often, in your ignorance, you feel small, you feel miserable, you feel that the wicked, greedy and cruel people are all happier than you and unjustifiably so. You are hurt and feel that it is unjust that you, who are so truthful, so loving, so virtuous, should suffer. Just ponder over this. Are they as happy as you imagine and is your condition, as bad as you portray it to be? Investigate for a minute, and you will know the truth yourself. External appearances are often like painted pots of poison. The hearts of people not adhering to Right Conduct know no peace – they are probably as miserable as you, if not more. Believe that Righteousness will never play false; it will ensure greater joy than can be gained through all other means.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
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Date: Thursday, January 24, 2013
Often, in your ignorance, you feel small, you feel miserable, you feel that the wicked, greedy and cruel people are all happier than you and unjustifiably so. You are hurt and feel that it is unjust that you, who are so truthful, so loving, so virtuous, should suffer. Just ponder over this. Are they as happy as you imagine and is your condition, as bad as you portray it to be? Investigate for a minute, and you will know the truth yourself. External appearances are often like painted pots of poison. The hearts of people not adhering to Right Conduct know no peace – they are probably as miserable as you, if not more. Believe that Righteousness will never play false; it will ensure greater joy than can be gained through all other means.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Yesterday's thought 
When I sang the bhajan 'Manasa Bhajare...' I called on all those suffering in the endless round of birth and death to worship the feet of the Guru, the Guru that was announcing Himself, Who had come again for taking upon Himself the burden of those who find refuge in Him. That was the very first message of Mine to humanity! I said, 'worship in your mind'. I do not need your flowers and fruits that you purchase for a small price. They are not genuinely yours. Give Me something that is yours, something which is clean, fragrant with the perfume of virtue and innocence, washed in tears of repentance. Garlands, fruits, etc. are an exhibition of your devotion. Some can afford it, the poor feel sorry that they cannot. Install the Lord in your heart and offer Him the fruits of your actions and the flowers of your innermost thoughts and feelings. That is the worship and expression of devotion God likes the most!
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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Just a reminder, if you are on Facebook then you should join our Sai Ram Facebook-page. We are nearing the 35,000 mark and unlike a lot of pages that are created and you join and then nothing beneficial ever happens, we actually send out daily Sai Baba updates and give exclusive content/images on most of our postings.
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...


Date: Wednesday, January 23, 2013
When I sang the bhajan 'Manasa Bhajare...' I called on all those suffering in the endless round of birth and death to worship the feet of the Guru, the Guru that was announcing Himself, Who had come again for taking upon Himself the burden of those who find refuge in Him. That was the very first message of Mine to humanity! I said, 'worship in your mind'. I do not need your flowers and fruits that you purchase for a small price. They are not genuinely yours. Give Me something that is yours, something which is clean, fragrant with the perfume of virtue and innocence, washed in tears of repentance. Garlands, fruits, etc. are an exhibition of your devotion. Some can afford it, the poor feel sorry that they cannot. Install the Lord in your heart and offer Him the fruits of your actions and the flowers of your innermost thoughts and feelings. That is the worship and expression of devotion God likes the most!
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Yesterday's thought 
One may know the 700 verses of the Bhagavad Gita by heart, but trust Me, the time that was spent in learning by rote and reciting it, is all a waste, if one does not resolutely act upon even a single verse. It is not the resolution that matters; it is resoluteness. Resolution is just a string of words. In fact, that learning might even be a handicap as that skill can affect the head and make one swell with pride. The price of sugarcane is fixed according to the sugar content in it. You evaluate oranges in proportion to the juice they contain, is it not? So too, one is worthy of honour in proportion to the knowledge of the Self acquired. This knowledge alone can confer steadiness, strength and real happiness.

- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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