HTML clipboard | | | << July 2010 | Current Sai Baba News| August 2010 >> Friday, Aug 20, 2010 - Sai News & Photo Updates: The sky was overcast and it rained during the day and in the evening. Auspicious it is, this Friday being Varalakshmi Vratam Day, the main seat of the Lord had a decorated idol of Goddess Varalakshmi adorning the centre stage. Adding to the festive flavour, floral buntings were in place with the main stage shining in grandeur and elegance. Varalakshmi Vratam is performed by married Hindu women on the Friday before the full moon day during the month of Sravana (August), popular in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and in some parts of Orissa and Maharashtra. In the evening, Bhagawan emerged at 1715 hrs. to the holy chants of Vedam. Escorted by classical nadaswaram rendering, Bhagawan moved through the concourse before completing a full round to come onto the portico. Gliding past the lower portico, listening to many, Bhagawan came onstage at 1730 hrs., from the right of Ganesha. Upon coming onstage Bhagawan lit the lamp sanctifying and blessing the occasion. Further proceedings began in next five minutes with a specially designated priest taking over, as Bhagawan sat onstage as 'Sai Varalakshmi',. Speaking on the significance of the ritual conducted in the immediate Divine presence, the priest went on extolling The Lord, calling Him to be Lord Dakshinamurthy in physical form. With His presence, Prasanthi is verily the Kailasha and Vaikunta, announced the priest talking on the significance of the ritual in Prasanthi NIlayam. Rituals began with Lakshmi Puja and Shodashopachara Puja followed by related rituals including Sai Ashotathara Shata Namaavali. Twenty-five minutes of rituals ended with three jaikars by the priest that was well received and reciprocated by the capacity audience with devotional vigour. There were a thousand hand raised hailing "victory" to The Lord of Puttaparthi! A carnatic musical offering by Ms. Bhagyalakshmi of Chennai followed that lasted for fifty minutes. Beginning with Ganesha Vandanam, the artiste went on singing for the next fifty minutes before Bhagawan nodded for Mangala Arathi, at 1850 hrs. Moving off the dais, Bhagawan glided into the ladies' end, at 1855 hrs. retiring for the day. Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage. Kerala's Onam contingent with two drama presentations along with a musical offering is gearing up for their turn on Aug 22 and 23. The visiting Canadian group is equally engaged in hectic rehearsal sessions awaiting their turn to perform in the immediate Divine presence. The Canadians are expected to stay until the 26th August. || Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu || | Text & photo source-copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - - Prasanthi Diary - Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - . | Web layout - Photo design : "SBOI" | | | | Sai Pilgrimage 2010 - Gulf and The Middle East  Published on Friday, Aug 20, 2010 at 2115 Hrs. IST Region 94 of International Sai Organisation, comprising of countries from Arabian Gulf and the Middle East began their Sai Pilgrimage 2010 in a unique style responding to Bhagawan's call to serve the humanity by organizing a programme distribution of "implements that could earn a living" for selected beneficiaries from villages around Puttaparthi. The group that came in with a force of 1200 had their first 'outing' in the Divine presence on the 12th August evening with the distribution programme. Proceedings for the evening began with the officials seeking Divine blessings for the commencement of the distribution programme. An introductory speech by Shankar Shetty, Regional in-charge for Oman region followed before Prof. Anil Kumar took over the proceedings, speaking on the uniqueness of the service endeavours of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Worldwide. Implements, namely, solar lamps, sewing machines, tricycles, water filters and mixers were distributed to over 85 beneficiaries from Puttaparthi and nearby areas. The second programme for the evening was a cultural programme, entitled "Divine Songs From Turkey" by devotees from Turkey. Starting with three Omkars followed by a Ganesha Bhajan, the troupe sang almost a dozen songs for the next fifty minutes before winding up with a melodious number that had an infectious refrain "Sai Ram Baba... Om Sai Ram". Bhagawan, who paid close attention to the troupe while gliding past them during the Darshan round gave away clothe presentations to the mini-group, sarees for women and safari pieces for men. Continuing from the 12th evenining, the 13th evening, Balvikas children from the group presented a programme titled, "Prema Tarangini", meaning Ocean of Love. The participating centres were, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Starting with Sainatha Ashatakam, these children went on singing another five hymns for the next 25 minutes before the seniors took over for the next half-an-hour singing melodious bhajans. At the end of the children programme Bhagawan blessed one boy in the groupVibhuti Prasadam and a golden chain. Helping the Ashram to ease the rush in the canteens, this contingent had taken up the responsibility of their food arrangements for both lunch and dinner, arranged to serve in a temporary shamiana erected at the western end, next to the culvert gate. Volunteers from the group would organize to group themselves, collecting food items from north indian canteen for lunch and western canteen for dinner to serve independently by the group without taxing the sevadal force. Utensils etc. would be washed and deposited back in the canteens by these dedicated group members. It was indeed a unique exercise by the "Region 94" in serving the ashram force while serving themselves. | Text & photo source-copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - - Prasanthi Diary - Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - . | Web layout - Photo design : "SBOI" | | | | | Guru Kripa Drama by Delhi Youth-20 Aug 2010 Published on Friday, Aug 20, 2010 at 1235 Hrs. IST Continuing with their offering of gratitude after presenting a mesmerizing Sufi concert by the popular Lakhwinder Wadali, the Youth from Delhi & NCR (National Capital Region) took over the next evening, on 11 Aug, presenting a dance drama entitled 'Guru Kripa'. The presentation was based on the life of illustrious Sufi Saint, Bulleh Shah, lived during 17th-18th century, highlighting Guru's importance in one's life. The drama that was set in the modern household environs in Delhi had Youthful Aham, Deputy Commissioner as its central character. Aham played the role of an egotist while his father, Shaji, was the personification of good and Godly side of an individual. Harnam Kaur, was a typical overpowering mother who showed more of an illusory tendency towards modern life snubbing and ridiculing everything ancient and traditional. Master Dinanath played the role of Aham's teacher, a noble and humble soul, personification of all virtues who showed strong faith not to leave the righteous path despite adversities. DSP Narman Singh was a loyal student, upholding the love, respect and reverence for the system and for the teachers. Takur Hakeekat Singh played the greedy while Wandering Faqir, was ever engaged in singing 'Love Songs to God'. The presentation began at Aham's household, with the entry of the wandering faqir singing a Bulleh Shah composition. While Aham's father, Shaji was inspired to spiritual heights, his wife Harnam Kaur scornfully intimidates the faqir cautioning him not to visit the street again. The pious came to Aham seeking help from his well placed former student in getting his land back from the hands of local hoodlum. Personification of ego, already sunk in corruption, Aham had no concern for his former teacher, but in turn, insulted him asking him not to trouble him anymore. Composed he was, Master Dinanath took the insult in his strides. Shaji was disturbed at these developments and wanted to to teach his son a lesson, bringing him back into the right track. He even apologized to Master Dinanath for his son's irrational behavior. The fakir appeared yet again, singing out another Bulleh Shah composition. Here revealed the illustrious story Sufi Saint, Bulleh Shah… Bulle Shah, against much opposition from his family and society in general, stood by his devotion to his guru, Inayat Shah Quadri who was from a lower caste. When pressure pressure mounted from his mother and brother who questioned his acceptance of a lower caste person as his guru, Bulleh Shah remained firm and committed. He declared firmly that he would forgo his family and worldly life, but not his "Sai", who was his revered guru. The story was illustrated, but the egotist was still not impressed. He picked up arguments with his father, pooh-poohing all these ancient spiritual saga, that appeared to him like myths. But, soon he fell into a soup, as his school mate DSP Naman Singh came with an arrest warrant. Giving an anti-climax to the scene, Naman who met his former teacher, Master Dinanath treated him with utmost respect and reverence. Despite the oddities, the good natured teacher stood for his former student, Aham, saving him from embarrassment of going behind the bars, bringing in the much needed transformation. The fifty minute presentation was intertwined with melodious and meaningful songs in folk punjabi language, the language used during the times of Bulleh Shah. The drama presented ample scenes, especially with the originality in acting by the cast of Harnam Kaur, bringing 'burst of laughters' from Bhagawan as well as the devoted assembly. The presentation ended with a group song, in typical sufi tongue, in praise of "Sai". Upon the end of the presentation, Bhagawan called the faqir cast onstage and blessed him with a materialised golden chain. Moving down the dais Bhagawan posed for photo session while bhajans went on in the background. After the drama presentation, 'His drama' was unfolding. Bhagawan asked for the backroom assistants also to come forward to join the drama cast in the front block...Soon He moved down the dais once again!...for yet another photo session!! Returning onstage in five minutes Bhagawan sat through... still more to come?!? Lord's compassion was filling and fulfilling...Bhagawan called the drama crew onto the stage for yet another "Momentous Moment" with The Divine!!! These post programme sessions often turn out to be 'open class rooms'. Tales that tags the tails of such sessions are great eye openers for man to learn and imbibe. It was 1930 hrs. and Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi. Bhagawan sat for a while and before leaving the dais He blessed the concourse with Abhayahastha. Leaving off, enroute, Bhagawan profusely blessed Lakhwinder Wadali, the Sufi singer who mesmerised the audience with his scintillating sufi rendering on the previous evening. Interacting with the singer, Bhagawan gave him 'fistfuls' of Vibhuti prasadam, a sign of His all conquering Love!!! It was Delhi Boom in Prasanthi for two successive days!!! Text & photo source-copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - - Prasanthi Diary - Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - . | Web layout - Photo design : "SBOI" | | |