Sai Baba Darshan News Sourced From : SBOIGROUP - Radiosai, Prasanthi Bulletin - Sai devotees- Sai Students Updates... - Monday, April 7, 2008 :Sai Kulwant Hall was decked for Yugadi with cloth decorations. Auspicious kumbhams and other materials lined Bhagawan's path through the hall. Swami came in His chair just after nine o'clock, and the music programme by the students began as He was going around the Hall. The music programme was interspersed with brief interludes of talks and enactments, bringing out the significance of the festival and highlighting Bhagawan's message. As the programme concluded at 10.30 with the song "Barso re", Bhagawan came down from the stage and started sprinking sacred water on the singers! Swami moved till the Vedam students doing the "Prokshanam", then asked the Pujari to continue for the rest of the devotees. Bhagawan then moved to the verandah, and after Prasadam was distributed, accepted Arati and left for His residence. In the evening, devotees from Andhra Pradesh presented a musical programme. Bhagawan arrived in Sai Kulwant Hall at 4.30 pm, and after His darshan round in the chair, moved to the interview room. After an hour, He asked for the music programme to begin, and soon emerged to sit onstage for the 45-minute song presentation which had short Telugu commentaries between the songs. A few bhajans followed the songs, and Bhagawan accepted Arati to return to His residence at 6.30 pm. Also read UGADI celebrations eye witness account from Sai Kulwant hall, sent by SBOI-Group member click here>> Sunday, April 6, 2008 : Bhagawan has been graciously coming in His chair instead of the car on many occasions over the past few days. This morning, He arrived as the Bhajans went on at 9.20, and went into the Bhajan Hall after reaching the verandah. A couple of Bhajans later, He moved out in His chair and went on another full round of Sai Kulwant Hall, coming to the stage area and sitting there for a while before accepting Arati there itself at 10 am. In the evening, the Prasanthi Nilayam students were to present a dance-drama "Bala Ramam" on the story of the Ramayana upto Sita-kalyanam. Bhagawan arrived in His chair and came to the Bhajan Hall just before five o'clock, and interacted with the students in costumes there for nearly ten minutes before asking them to go out and present their programme. The fifty-minute dance drama had music and dialogues in Telugu, drawing inspiration from Bhagawan's "Ramakatha Rasavahini". After the presentation, Swami went down from the stage and Blessed the participants with group photographs before accepting Arati at 6.30 pm. April 4, 2008
Sunday, April 4, 2008 :The sweltering summer has arrived at Puttaparthi. The breeze blowing also seems to be carrying heat waves along with it. The summer vacations have been declared and the impact of this declaration is seen very prominently in the mandir. The students' number has greatly dwindled. That is of some cheer to the devotees as they have some more of the "prominent" places available for them to occupy! There are still some who have decided to put away the summer heat at the "heat of the moment" decisions to evacuate Puttaparthi at the earliest. So though the mandir seems quite empty, it is full of people braving many things simultaneously to see their beloved Lord.
In these hot conditions too, Swami makes His "warmth" felt to one and all alike! As if as a bonus gift to those who have either cancelled or postponed their summer trips to stay with Him, Swami over the last three days has been coming on the chair and the car has been unused for the period. The same script everyday in terms of the route that Swami takes but so many different and touching stories along the way. There is such an eager anticipation as Swami gets ready to set out for the darshan rounds. The question in the mind is whether its the chair or the car! And the last three days, this question has been answered by thrilled, "Oohs" and "Aahs" as Swami has always chosen the former.
Swami starts down from the ladies side and moves down gently. He is in no hurry at all and He seems to be taking letters from everyone! Letters are so symbolic of desires! The more He takes, the more there seem to remain to be taken! But over these days, the profusion of letters being given and the overwhelming Love with which they are being accepted has been such that on the 4th, the letters' number seems to have reduced. Well, it is also a common practice, especially among the students, to compose letters to their dear Lord whenever there seems to be a good chance to hand it over to Him. So from the students' side, there are always letters flowing. The Primary School block is comparitively so empty. Instead of the twittering and talking thousands, there are only a few tens left. But these tiny tots rush down towards the rear end of the block to have a close glimpse of Him as He passes by and then rush back to their places in the front of the block to get another darshan when He comes to the front! He knows all this and yet, so sweetly, He chooses to be surprised when He sees them again for the second time. His expression says, "Hey! Did I not see you there at the back a few minutes back?"
It is a bonanza time for all the devotees too. When He comes in the car, the people sitting on the driver's side crane their necks to have a glimpse of His divine locks atleast. But now, it is such a wonderful and fulfilling feeling to see His in all His grandeur. He looks to both the sides and takes letters from both the sides. Many of the devotees bend and get the opportunity to take Paadanamaskar. The effect of the hot cuddapah slabs below and the scorching roof above seems to just fade away with the cooling and refreshing presence of Swami so close. The heat may seem to make it the worst of times but His warmth makes it the best of times. Indeed blessed are those being able to enjoy the bliss of this proximity that He has decided to shower.
As He moves through the herd of eagerly crowding students, He blesses many. A few words here, a tap on the shoulder there; acceptance of a letter or a shower of the holy akshata grains. The final result of all these is the same - a glowing smile on the face. He completes the darshan rounds and then extends it into a round in the bhajan hall and the veranda too! Everyone is happy and the waves of Joy wash out the sweltering heat. The bhajans begin and there is lot of gusto and enthusiasm. Swami exchanges a few words with the singers in the bhajan hall. It is around 6:15 pm on an average when He retires.
Beautiful indeed are these days.......
Monday, March 31, 2008 : The students have completed their examinations and their summer vacations start today. In the evening, the students of the Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music presented their gratitude programme. Bhagawan arrived at 5.50 pm, and after a round of the verandah in His chair, moved to the stage for the programme to commence. The fifty minute programme had songs as well as short speeches and a sitar recital. Bhagawan Blessed the items brought up to Him by the students before accepting Arati and returning to His residence at seven o'clock. Photos March 31st : "Bhakt Meera" a skit by the SSSHS School students. Gratitude Programme by students of The Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music Music Programme and Dance March 31, 2008 & "Bhakt Meera" a skit by the 11th standard students of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School - March 31, 2008 | 
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Sunday, March 30, 2008: Yesterday, students of the X class and the music college had prayed for a chance to present two programs. Bhagawan saw their cards in the Bhajan Hall while the Bhajans went on, and Blessed them. He said that the X class students could put up their drama on Sunday, and the music college students could present on Monday. So, this evening, the Bhajans did not begin at five o'clock, and a back-drop was put up in the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall, with the title of the drama "Follow the Master". Bhagawan arrived at 5.20 pm, and came into the Bhajan Hall to interact with the students in costumes there. The programme got underway just after 5.30, with Bhagawan coming onstage. The story of Nachiketa was woven into the story of transformation witnessed by some Sai students. After the hour long drama, Swami Blessed the participants with group photographs, walked down from the stage for another set of group photographs and also had a group photograph with the school teachers. The students sang one Bhajan before Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence just before seven o'clock. Wednesday, March 26, 2008: Bhagawan came "early" both in the morning and in the evening today - He came to Sai Kulwant Hall at 8.15 am for morning darshan and at 3.50 pm for evening darshan. In the evening, after reaching the verandah, Bhagawan moved through the Bhajan Hall and took another complete round of Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair. Coming to the Bhajan Hall at 4.30, He asked for Bhajans to commence. At 5 pm, He accepted Arati and returned to His residence.
March 24 2008: The Chief Minister of Maharashtra had come for an audience with Bhagawan on Friday. Today Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living Foundation had an audience with Swami in the morning. In the evening, the concluding day of the Holi celebrations by the Bihar and Jharkhand devotees had programmes by the Sai youth. Bhagawan arrived at 5.20 pm, and after a round of the verandah, moved in His chair towards the Primary School children. Moving in front of them, He took a round of the students before returning to the interview room, emerging just before six o'clock for the cultural programme. The Sai youth sang songs for half an hour, then presented a half-hour skit on the transformation brought about by the Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Programme. Prasadam was distributed while Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence. Sunday, March 23, 2008: The second day of Holi celebrations by devotees from Bihar and Jharkhand was marked with a drama on Shabari by balvikas children. Bhagawan arrived at 5.45 pm, and went into the interview room as the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall was being arranged for the drama. When He emerged a few minutes later, He first called up some Primary School children and gave them cartons of Easter Eggs and other confections to distribute. The fifty-minute drama then began. Bhagawan was pleased with the performance, and Blessed "Shabari" with a chain, granting group photographs to all the participants. Prasadam was distributed as Bhagawan accepted Arati and returned to His residence at seven o'clock. Saturday, March 22, 2008: Devotees from Bihar and Jharkhand had arrived at Prasanthi Nilayam for Holi celebrations, and this evening was the first day of their programmes. Bhagawan arrived at Sai Kulwant Hall at 4.45 pm, welcomed by small children bearing lamps. Once He reached the stage, the programme commenced, with a dance by children while a song on Gayatri was being sung. The musical offerings continued for the next 45 minutes. At the end, Bhagawan Blessed the performers with group photographs and asked them to sing bhajans. Fifteen minutes of their Bhajans followed, till Swami accepted Arati and returned to His residence. More darshan details from 22nd & 24th March >> < |