

Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
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Date: Saturday, February 23, 2013
Have you not heard the story of the lion suffering from a wound in the foot? A slave who was fleeing through the forest saw it and when he approached it with sympathy, the lion put out its paw. He then slowly pulled out the thorn that had caused all that pain and left the place, only to be arrested later and taken to Rome. There, they decided to throw him into the amphitheatre and let loose upon him a lion that had been recently captured. It was, however, the same lion which the slave had saved and so, its gratitude did not allow it to harm its saviour. See, even animals exhibit gratitude, not only the pet animals, but even the wild ones like the lion. Express your gratitude to the Creator who has poured into you nectar that grants immortality! Be grateful to the Lord for endowing you with powers of discrimination, detachment and evaluation.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Friday, February 22, 2013
Yesterday's thought
The greatest obstacle in the path of surrender is egoism (ahamkaram) and Attachment or Possessiveness (mamakaram). This is ingrained in your personality since ages and its tentacles go deeper and deeper with the experience of every succeeding life. It can be removed only by the twin detergents of discrimination and renunciation. Devotion is the water to wash away this dirt of ages, and the soap of japam, dhyaanam and yoga (repetition of God's name, meditation and communion) will help to remove it quicker and more effectively. Slow and steady progress will surely win the race in this one; quicker means of travel can spell disaster. Proceed step by step in your spiritual practices - placing one steady step before you take the next. Do not waver or slide back two paces with one step forward. Cultivate deep faith - that will make your progress steady!
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
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Date: Friday, February 22, 2013
The greatest obstacle in the path of surrender is egoism (ahamkaram) and Attachment or Possessiveness (mamakaram). This is ingrained in your personality since ages and its tentacles go deeper and deeper with the experience of every succeeding life. It can be removed only by the twin detergents of discrimination and renunciation. Devotion is the water to wash away this dirt of ages, and the soap of japam, dhyaanam and yoga (repetition of God's name, meditation and communion) will help to remove it quicker and more effectively. Slow and steady progress will surely win the race in this one; quicker means of travel can spell disaster. Proceed step by step in your spiritual practices - placing one steady step before you take the next. Do not waver or slide back two paces with one step forward. Cultivate deep faith - that will make your progress steady!
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013
Yesterday's thought
In the present, practice of devotion, worship and rituals are for the sake of better comforts and more luxury for the individuals themselves. Devotion has degenerated into a business deal. Often one prays, "Please give me this, I shall give You so much." If they feel one shrine promises more, the current shrine is given up. If even in the new shrine, one does not get quick returns, then they quickly look elsewhere to some 'other' God who gives more profit! Many people wander in this manner. Some also think, "If I stand amongst many others, God will not notice me. I must stand in a unique position and shout to attract His attention!" Do not behave foolishly! Hold fast to noble ideals. Do not try to bring down the Almighty to your limited vision. Rise up, strengthen your detachment and establish yourself in discrimination, then your goal is brought nearer.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...


Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013
In the present, practice of devotion, worship and rituals are for the sake of better comforts and more luxury for the individuals themselves. Devotion has degenerated into a business deal. Often one prays, "Please give me this, I shall give You so much." If they feel one shrine promises more, the current shrine is given up. If even in the new shrine, one does not get quick returns, then they quickly look elsewhere to some 'other' God who gives more profit! Many people wander in this manner. Some also think, "If I stand amongst many others, God will not notice me. I must stand in a unique position and shout to attract His attention!" Do not behave foolishly! Hold fast to noble ideals. Do not try to bring down the Almighty to your limited vision. Rise up, strengthen your detachment and establish yourself in discrimination, then your goal is brought nearer.
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Yesterday's thought
You must be convinced that 'you' are but the shadow of the Absolute. Of course, it is only at the end of a long and systematic process of Sadhana (spiritual efforts) that you will reach and stay fixed in the state of that Truth; until then, you are likely to identify yourself with this body and forget that the body which casts a shadow is itself a shadow. The first step in that Sadhana is the adherence to Dharma (righteousness) in every individual and social act. The Dharma which is followed in relation to the objective world will automatically lead on to Dharma in the spiritual field also; only you must stick to it through thick and thin. Steadfastness is needed in the path of Righteousness. That alone is the sign of true surrender.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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Just a reminder, if you are on Facebook then you should join our Sai Ram Facebook-page. We are nearing the 38,000 mark and unlike a lot of pages that are created and you join and then nothing beneficial ever happens, we actually send out daily Sai Baba updates and give exclusive content/images on most of our postings.
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...


Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
You must be convinced that 'you' are but the shadow of the Absolute. Of course, it is only at the end of a long and systematic process of Sadhana (spiritual efforts) that you will reach and stay fixed in the state of that Truth; until then, you are likely to identify yourself with this body and forget that the body which casts a shadow is itself a shadow. The first step in that Sadhana is the adherence to Dharma (righteousness) in every individual and social act. The Dharma which is followed in relation to the objective world will automatically lead on to Dharma in the spiritual field also; only you must stick to it through thick and thin. Steadfastness is needed in the path of Righteousness. That alone is the sign of true surrender.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Yesterday's thought
Wavering and indecisiveness will affect you, if you want to practice Righteousness. If you are not stabilized in the Knowledge of the Self, you will not have a good sense of direction for your actions, nor will you achieve true victory. That is why the Geetha lays so much emphasis on the necessity to know both the kshethra (field or the body) and the kshethrajna (the Knower in the body). Know both, and then, you are entitled to the title, Amrithasya Puthraah: "Children of Immortality." Through devotion to God alone, this knowledge can be attained. Devotion also purifies your heart and elevates your inner feelings and gives you a broad, universal vision and brings to you the Grace of God. Plants cannot rise up to drink the life giving fluid from clouds, hence the clouds come down and pour as rain.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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