
24-09-2011- Thought for the Day - As written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today

The latent Atma causes the patent world. Being is behind Becoming, and finally, Becoming merges in Being. The patent is absorbed into the latent. As milk from the cow, from the Supreme Person flows the power of Maya or Relativity as the Prakriti (Five-element constituted Cosmos), the patent manifestation. The Cosmos is cognised as a composite, just as milk is a composite of cream, curd, and butter, which can be got out of it by the action of heat and cold, and the addition of sour drops, and the process of churning that separates the butter from the milk. When God is reflected as Nature, the reflection becomes Maya. Just as milk curdles into yoghurt, God becomes the world of incessant transformation, or Maya. His Will causes this unreal multiplicity to be superimposed on the One that He is. He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and the Master of Maya.


23-09-2011 - THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today

The mind plans and executes innumerable deeds and roams over vast expanses, all in the twinkling of an eye! It operates with unimaginable speed. However, while meditating, the mind should not be allowed to wander away from the object of meditation. Whenever it flies off at a tangent, it must be led back to the form meditated upon. Only one form has to be meditated upon in the beginning. You should not change daily from one to another. To concentrate effectively, you must be careful not to have as the object something your mind does not like, for however hard you may try, your mind will not stay focused on it. Therefore, in the beginning, have some object that is a source of joy. Again, during the spiritual practice, you should not indulge in thoughts about things you do not like, that cause pain, or that shake your faith. If any such thoughts come, learn gradually to welcome them as beneficial and seek to grasp the good in them, instead of the bad. - BABA



22-09-2011- THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today

The Atma (soul) that is the core of a human being is not born. Since it does not take birth, it does not meet death. Death happens to the body with which the soul is associated. The delusion that the body is the core, that the body is real, is verily death! To be free from that delusion is to attain immortality. One can negate the consciousness that the body is oneself by practicing deeply elevating spiritual practices and fearlessly inquiring into one's Truth. Consider the fruit of the tamarind tree. When unripe, it is not easy to separate the rind, the pulp and the seed. So too, those who are attached to sensual desires and to pampering the body, cannot earn the awareness of the Atma (soul). When the tamarind fruit becomes ripe, the rind can be broken off, the pulp gets detached from the seed and the seed can be isolated without much effort. Inquiry and unselfish activity ripen the consciousness and the Atma (soul) can then be isolated from the body, clear and pure.


Sai Baba

Sai Baba
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