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Date: Monday, October 21, 2013
The pleasure one gets from physical, mental and intellectual pursuits is transitory. Good deeds may grant heaven but it is a temporary habitation from where a person has to journey down to earth to live life again. This is akin to being elected to an important but short term public office. One may bask in the glory and fame during the term of office, thanks to the votes cast in one's favour. However, once the term is over, one becomes an ordinary person again! The game now starts all over again by repeating popular slogans to become more popular and beg for votes to win the election. You must journey to reach the terminus where ignorance dies and wisdom is born, resulting in no more birth and death cycles. The mind is a fertile field for ignorance. Do not seek more and more comfort and convenience (sukham), instead, seek wisdom.
(Divine Discourse, Oct 16, 1964)
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2013
Yesterday's thought  
Avatar Declaration Day

People suffer from two types of ills - physical and mental. Physical ailments are caused by the dis-equilibrium of the three tempers of Vata, Pittha and Sleshma (air, bile and phlegm) and mental illnesses are caused by the dis-equilibrium of the three qualities of serenity, passion and inertia (Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas). One unique fact about these two types of illnesses is that the cultivation of virtue cures both the diseases. Physical health and mental health are interrelated. Physical health is a prerequisite for mental health and good mental health ensures physical well-being. An attitude of generosity, of fortitude in the presence of sorrow and loss, a spirit of enthusiasm to do good, and to be of service to the best of one's capacity - these build up the mind as well as the body. The sheer joy derived from service reacts on the body and makes you free from diseases.
(Divine Discourse, Sep 9, 1959)
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