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Date: Saturday, July 07, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Faith is a slow growing plant. Concentration needs faith. Act according to your profession. Do not play false to yourself and to your ideals. To deny by your acts the truth of what you preach is a sign of cowardice and moral suicide. You say that God knows and sees everywhere, but you also do something wrong with the belief that God is elsewhere at that time. The most valuable message you must take from scriptures and sages is this: Carry on your legitimate duties, discharge your obligations, live up to your rights, but do not allow attachment to grow. Be like a trustee, so far as family, riches, reputation, knowledge and skills are concerned. Leave them gladly aside, when the call comes. Yesterday's thought Date: Friday, July 06, 2012 Like a lighted lamp, God's Grace spreads all round, on all who approach Him and love to be near Him. But if you interpose a shade which shuts out the light from you, if Grace does not shine, you have only yourself to blame. Open the doors of your heart and let the sunlight of God's grace shine through and illumine all the corners and drive out the vices. To receive the desired programme on your radio set, you have to switch on and tune the receiver. That is an inescapable effort. Believe, strive and succeed - that is the message of the sacred texts. |
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Prasanthi News & Photo updates - Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
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Date: Friday, July 06, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Like a lighted lamp, God's Grace spreads all round, on all who approach Him and love to be near Him. But if you interpose a shade which shuts out the light from you, if Grace does not shine, you have only yourself to blame. Open the doors of your heart and let the sunlight of God's grace shine through and illumine all the corners and drive out the vices. To receive the desired programme on your radio set, you have to switch on and tune the receiver. That is an inescapable effort. Believe, strive and succeed - that is the message of the sacred texts. Yesterday's thought Date: Thursday, July 05, 2012 Parents have conferred this physical instrument called body, with which we can serve God in all living beings, glorify Him in and through Beauty and Truth, and attain the Absolute. This human body is essential to liberate ourselves from the direst of bondages. An iron box is essential to keep safe the precious gems. So too the body is essential to keep safe the gifts of faith, love and discrimination. God is immanent in the Universe. He is in the most distant star as well as the blade of grass under your feet. You can see Him, provided you curdle this Universe with discrimination, churn it with detachment and collect the nectar with earnestness. In the grain of the sand as well as in the grandest galaxy, God can be found by diligent and sincere spiritual practices. He is the core of every being, as butter is present in every drop of milk. |
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PRASANTHI NEWS AND PHOTOS - An Odisha Evening In The Divine Presence…
Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org - Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary - theprasanthireporter.org | Web layout - Photo graphic design : saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation |
An Odisha Evening In The Divine Presence… Thursday, July 5th, 2012 |
Continuing from where they had stopped in the morning, with their devotional exhibition touching the peak, devotees from the State of Odisha presented an encore of their cultural display at the Sanctum Sanctorum this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. Tribal Cultural Dance, Jodi Shanka Dance, was the first item, wherein tribal youth blew 'twin-conch', dancing to the tunes, enacting various scenes from Bharat's rich cultural glory, from the epics. Scenes depicting Bhagawan Sri Krishna as the Eternal Charioteer, Lord Hanuman flying over, the Advent of Kalki Avatar on the horse etc. were displayed along with various other scenes to the rhythmic backdrop music emanated from the drums and cymbals. The State that earned the rich inheritance of devotional chanting from none other than Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, epitome of devotion, fashions the same even today with tribals and other devotees in the state follow the style of ecstatic devotional chanting. Next to come was this display of Congregational Chanting of the Divine Name to the accompaniments of various instruments such as Dholak, Mrudangam, Ghanta and Kahali. Sri Krishna Leela Madhuri, a dance ballet followed, presented by the students of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Mandir, Bhadrak. The presentation was based on the writings of renowned devotional poet Banmali Das, who lived during the 12th century. As various scenes from the epochal life of the Avatar came to the fore to the accompaniment of soothing Oriya Melody, audience in the hall sat spellbound watching the spectacle as if got caught in a reverie. Sai Symphony, a Musical Programme by the Youth from the State, both men and women was the final item for the evening. Upon the presentation, groups of children and youth lined up for photograph session. Bhajans by the State troupe continued and ended with the Thursday Special, Hey "Shiva Shankara Namami Shankara…" in Bhagawan's mellifluous voice. Prasadam was distributed and Mangala Arathi was offered at 1850 hrs. Earlier, before the commencement of the programme, Sri P. Jagannath Prasad Rao, State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – Odisha delivered a brief introductory speech. In his brief talk, the State President touched upon Bhagawan's special love for the State, often expressed and exhibited by Bhagawan. Echoing feelings of gratitude for Bhagawan's "Love In Action", rehabilitating thousands of homeless people from the State, aftermath of the floods that wreck havoc in September 2008, Sri Rao echoed that Puri and Parthi are the same and so is Lord Jagannath and Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II |
Hundreds of men and women from the State of Odisha took to the main street this morning in a huge procession displaying great devotional fervour here in Puttaparthi. This is the second time, in six months, the State is taking out a huge procession in Puttaparthi, last one being on 27th December 2011. This morning's procession began at 0830 hrs. from the birthplace of Bhagawan, Lord Shiva Temple, and moved along the main road. Led by a group yellow clad men blowing 'twin conch', followed by a group of enthusiastic drummers beating rhythmic tunes, the procession, infectious of devotional exuberance, moved through the main road in a measured pace granting an audio visual treat to hundreds of onlookers. The men in the front were followed by a group of men in drum, who often turned excited, jumping and dancing to their drum beats, followed by another set of men playing cymbals, joining in circular dance movements. In the centre was a small chariot carrying Lord Jagannath, Sister Subhadra and Brother Balabadra. A small group of tribal dancing woman followed the men, that was followed by hundreds of women carrying auspicious 'kalasas.' Another huge coloumn of women joined moving in tandem, often bursting into eerie whistling, typical of East India tribal tradition. Namasankirthan group of men, in yellow scarves, followed, singing bhahjans and towards the end came a huge chariot with a smiling Bhagawan in the backdrop, with the Seat Of The Divine at the centre. This morning affair was full of spectacle, drama and colour, in line with the original festive splendour in Puri, which is slated as a typical Indian fair of unmatchable proportions. The State of Odisha is currently in Prasanthi Nilayam with a strong contingent of over 1800 deovtees, that included over 200 tribal devotees, who are on their maiden visit, on a Parthi Yatra. In the meantime, a three day International Sai Youth Retreat, for Region 4 nations of SSSSO – Worldwide got under way this morning in the Purnachandra Auditorium. II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II |
Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org - Radiosai.org Prasanthi Diary - theprasanthireporter.org | Web layout - Photo graphic design : saibabaofindia.com "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust & Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation |
Prasanthi News & Photo updates - Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc... |
Date: Thursday, July 05, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Parents have conferred this physical instrument called body, with which we can serve God in all living beings, glorify Him in and through Beauty and Truth, and attain the Absolute. This human body is essential to liberate ourselves from the direst of bondages. An iron box is essential to keep safe the precious gems. So too the body is essential to keep safe the gifts of faith, love and discrimination. God is immanent in the Universe. He is in the most distant star as well as the blade of grass under your feet. You can see Him, provided you curdle this Universe with discrimination, churn it with detachment and collect the nectar with earnestness. In the grain of the sand as well as in the grandest galaxy, God can be found by diligent and sincere spiritual practices. He is the core of every being, as butter is present in every drop of milk. Yesterday's thought Date: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 By moderating and modulating the habits of eating and drinking, one can lay the foundation for a spiritual life. You must prefer sathwik (pure and vegetarian) foods to rajasik foods. By drinking intoxicating stuff, one loses control over one's emotions, passions, impulses, instincts, speech and movements; and one even descends to the level of a beast. By eating flesh, one develops violent tendencies and animal diseases. The mind becomes more intractable when one indulges in rajasik food. It is difficult to remould the mind, if such food is consumed with relish. To dwell on God, one should be vigilant about the food and drink consumed by both - the body and the mind. |
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Prasanthi News & Photo updates - Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011 |
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc... |
Date: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY By moderating and modulating the habits of eating and drinking, one can lay the foundation for a spiritual life. You must prefer sathwik (pure and vegetarian) foods to rajasik foods. By drinking intoxicating stuff, one loses control over one's emotions, passions, impulses, instincts, speech and movements; and one even descends to the level of a beast. By eating flesh, one develops violent tendencies and animal diseases. The mind becomes more intractable when one indulges in rajasik food. It is difficult to remould the mind, if such food is consumed with relish. To dwell on God, one should be vigilant about the food and drink consumed by both - the body and the mind. Yesterday's thought Date: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 Practice detachment at every step, or else, greed and miserliness will overpower your finer human nature. Try to win God's grace by reforming your habits, reducing your desires and refining your higher nature. One step makes the next one easier; that is the excellence of the spiritual journey. At each step, your strength and confidence increases and you receive larger and larger instalments of grace. I command you on this day of Guru Poornima, to take the path of your chosen spiritual practice sincerely. Many people ask me, "Swami, give me a name of God, which I can repeat". Take any name you like, anything that appeals to you; all His names are equally sweet. In spirituality there are no differences of nationality, caste and so on; all belong to the State of God. |
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