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Sairam to all...
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The pride of wealth, manpower and youth seems to be predominant presently. Money is inert, it is lifeless. How can it be strong? Its strength or weakness is the reflection of the mindset of the individual. Wealth and education are like pure water. When water is poured in a bottle of a particular colour, the water appears to be of that colour. In the same way, when wealth is in the hands of a wicked person, it will be used only for evil deeds. Money, if it is in the hands of pure hearted people, will be used for noble deeds. Hence the usage of wealth or knowledge is dependent on the character of the person in whose hands it is. Money is not bad. The intent with which you use money should be for good. Use spirituality to streamline the focus of your mind towards good. (My Dear Students, Vol 3, Ch 7, July 9 1989)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Today there is much controversy and conflict that brews amongst all religions. There is nothing wrong with any religion. All religions are here to teach good sense. All religions propose the same Truth; they adore the same One God and the essence of all texts is the same. Hence every being must depend upon their own sanctity and morality, and try to nurture them. Morality is the lamp within every individual. Without this lamp, there will only be darkness around. This is the essence of the chant, "Lead us from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, and from death to immortality (Asathoma Sadgamaya, Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya, Mruthyorma Amrutham Gamaya)". Sages searched for God and finally declared that they have identified Him and have known Him. Where did they see God? It is within their hearts. They said that they saw the Absolute Being who is beyond all darkness. ( My Dear Students, Vol 2, Ch 16, July 23, 1989)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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