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Date: Sunday, July 27, 2014
When you walk on the road in an evening and suddenly find a thick piece of long rope lying on the ground, instinctively you think of it as a snake and get scared! Where did this fear come from? How does it disappear? Did the snake change into a rope for your fear to disappear? No! The rope is still a rope, you mistook it to be a snake! The hallucination effect you had is a result of the worldly point of view. Realize that the whole world is a manifestation of the Divine (Brahman). Your vision is blurred by ignorance, illusion and hallucination, which sees the world as material objects and not as Divine Creations. Know that all you see in the world and think as real is actually unreal and false. The spiritual point of view clarifies your vision, and will let you experience truth as truth and will remove any fear. (My Dear Students, Vol 5, Ch 1, Dec 25, 1980)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Saturday, July 26, 2014


The alarm clock wakes us by ringing the alarm at the right time. Similarly great sages of ancient times woke up human beings from the slumber of ignorance, warned them at the appropriate time and in the correct manner. They often gave powerful messages that warned all to stop ignoring and start recognizing the Omnipresent Divinity. Words of such great souls must constantly ring in your hearts and guide and illumine your lives. Jesus Christ proclaimed that everyone is an embodiment of Divinity in this human form and every being is a messenger of God. He demonstrated in his life that every ounce of this human body till the last drop of blood must be dedicated to the service of humanity. Jesus declared, "A heart filled with love and compassion is the real temple of the Lord!" Your true offering to the Loving Divine would be the dedication of your life to practice their teachings with your heart and soul. (My Dear Students, Vol 5, Ch 1, Dec 25, 1980)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Text & photo source - copyrights:  - Radiosai.org  - TFTD/ Sai Inspires-  Prasanthi Diary - 
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