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Date: Friday, June 27, 2014
What manifests externally is called 'Manas' (Mind). That which is internal is 'Nama' (The Name of the Lord). Repeating the Name of the Lord, you can gain control over your mind and attain the state where there is no Mind (Amanaska). As long as you are under the influence of your mind, you will tread the worldly path and get lost. You can clearly hear the voice of the Lord, only when you attain the "No Mind" State. To attain that state, you must listen to the inner voice, the voice of the Lord within you. To hear Him, you must practice Devotion and Surrender. The easiest way to understand and experience God is to Love Him. You can easily grow in love for God, by worshipping Him in a specific form. A true devotee does all duties with total surrender only to please God, and dedicates every action to please Him. (My Dear Students, Vol 3,Ch 7, July 9, 1989)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2014
Health is the greatest blessing. Without it, you cannot do even the smallest work. Health is indispensable for your progress in material, moral, political, economic, artistic and spiritual fields. Food habits are of primary importance if health must be secured and maintained. 'No restraint, no success' is the axiom. Among the 8.4 million species of living beings, all except humans live on food as provided by Mother Nature. Human beings alone strive to make such food more palatable, more attractive to the senses of sight, touch and smell by boiling, frying, freezing and mixing, grinding and soaking. Natural Food is really beneficial. Catering to the cravings of the tongue, if you intake heavy food thrice or more a day, you will fall ill and lose the sprightliness of youth. Restraints, controls and limits must be applied to the tongue. Regular and limited intake alone will enable you to discharge your duties. (Divine Discourse, 20 Nov 1982)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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