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Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014
The Gopikas lived their lives, doing everything as God's work. They would get up early in the morning, and chant the name of Krishna even as they put curd in the pot. Then as they began churning curds, they would continuously utter the many names of Lord Krishna. Chanting Krishna's name was like the Shruthi (musical scale), their jingling bangles became the rhythm, the sound of churning was the pitch and what they uttered became a mellifluous song. Where did the butter they churned come from? It came from the curds, though it was not visible in the beginning. Just like one can get butter out of milk, with effort you too who have come from God must merge in Him. Understand this principle well and you can experience Him anywhere and everywhere, all the time. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 3, Ch 2, March 19, 1998)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Look at a beautiful building. How is it strong? It has walls, which gives it support. But how do the walls get the support? There is a foundation beneath it. The walls are able to stand strong because the foundation is solid. What is the use of the walls and foundation without a roof? You can live in a place, only when there is a roof. So too, to lead a happy life and accomplish Self-Realization, you must have Self-confidence as the foundation, Self-satisfaction as the walls and Self-sacrifice as your roof. So first and foremost, develop Self-confidence. Where there is faith, there is love. Where there is love, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is truth. Where there is truth, there is bliss. Where there is bliss, there is God. And where there is God, there is everything. Never forget this principle and develop Self-confidence. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 1, Ch 7, Apr 10, 2000)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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