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Date: Saturday, February 08, 2014
All food emanated from God. As it has come from the Divine (Brahman), it should be offered to God and only then be taken. Then it becomes Satwik food. There are many impurities associated with the grains and vegetables you purchase. These impurities enter inside you. To remove the various types of defects associated with food, offer it to the Lord and then partake of it as Prasadam. When the food is offered to God (Naivedyam), there will no longer be any defects in it. Meera was a great devotee of Lord Krishna. She always offered everything to the Lord before partaking it. When the Maharana asked his associates to give her very strongly poisoned milk, Meera was unaware of it. As is her habit, she offered the milk to Lord Krishna and took it, and remained unharmed. Thus any type of food, once offered to the Lord will turn nectarous, even if it is poisonous. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 2)
Date: Friday, February 07, 2014
Yesterday's Thought
In the Mahabharata, the Kauravas believed in 'I first, World next and God last'. The Pandavas believed in 'God first, World next and I last'. The Kauravas took shelter under wealth and prosperity and did not protect themselves properly. The ego of 'I' was minimum in the Pandavas and hence they reached an elevated state and took shelter in the Lord. The Pandavas firmly stood for the five qualities of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Nonviolence. Hence Lord Krishna Himself became the charioteer of Arjuna. Even during the present times, the Pandavas are held high as exalted examples. We also must conduct ourselves just like the Pandavas. We have many qualities like bad thoughts, bad acts and bad attachment. The battlefield of Kurukshetra occurs even today in our hearts â€" it is the battle between the good and the bad. To emerge as victorious like the Pandavas and attain Him, you must work hard and give up your selfishness. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 1)
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