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Date: Monday, December 16, 2013
True education will make you divine. Education is not mere knowledge of words; it should broaden the mind. The mere acquisition of degrees is valueless. Character is more important and it can be developed only by taking to the spiritual path. Of what use is an education that does not promote good qualities? Together with academic education you have to acquire wisdom and a sense of right and wrong. Knowledge without wisdom, scholarship without determination, music without melody, learning without humility, a society without discipline, friendship without gratitude, and speech without truth - all these are utterly useless. Hence everyone should seek to follow the correct path. It is not greatness that matters but goodness. Make proper use of your education for the good of society. (Divine Discourse, Nov 22, 1997)
Date: Sunday, December 15, 2013
Yesterday's thought
Men and women must be governed by morality. In all countries morality and integrity should be like the life breath. It is only when people adhere to morality that human ideals like fraternity, equality and liberty can become meaningful in daily life. It is because of moral values having been given the go-by, that you find today's society filled with disorder and unrest. The world will have respite from violence only when progress in science and technology is accompanied alongside by development of ethical and spiritual values. In the economic sphere, when one's desires are governed by righteousness, a divine impulse will arise in that person. When the quest for wealth and the concern for worldly desires are based on righteousness (Dharma), the mind will spontaneously turn towards God.
 (Divine Discourse, Feb 13, 1997)
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