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Date: Friday, August 23, 2013
You are happiest when you are immersed in yourself! The child in the womb is in the state Soham ('I am He' - union with God) but when it is born in the world, it starts the question Koham ('Who am I'). For it forgot its truth and identifies itself with the body and the senses. Until it becomes a realized person (Jnani), it will never regain the knowledge of Soham. When Madhava-tatvam (Divine state) assumes a form, it is Manava (Man). Manava can become Madhava (Divine) by engaging in actions dedicated to God. You can then discover your Divine State. What is the use of doing only human action (Manava Karma) or even demoniac action and claiming that human being is Divine? Virtue must be your life-breath. Character must be your backbone. Without these no meritorious act will fructify. Retain your evil qualities and win troubles; Renounce them and win peace!
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Thursday, August 22, 2013
Yesterday's thought
Intellect loves to revel in discussions and disputations. Once you yield to this temptation, it takes a long while for you to escape from its shackles and move on to enjoy the bliss, which you can attain only from its nullification. Your feelings and emotions warp your thought process, and convert reason into an untamed bull. Always be aware of the limitations of reason and logic. They must give way and yield to devotion. After a point in time, your spiritual path must be illumined by devotion and intuition. Hence, be aware – your intellect can help you only for some distance along the Godward path. Very often, egoism tends to encourage and justify one's actions, for a person is led along the wrong path by one's own reason, if that is the path the person likes! You often come to the conclusion you want to reach! So make a careful choice on the path you tread!
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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