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Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2013
When you say that Lord Krishna was born in Gokul, grew up in Brindavan, ruled over Mathura and later Dwaraka, what does that signify? The mind is the Gokul where He was born. He is born to everyone, even today, whoever has taken to a spiritual path. The heart is the Brindavan where He grows. He grows in every heart, where Divine Love develops and expands. Your Intellect (Chitha) is where He begins His rule, and the Nirvikalpa stage (the state of absolute oneness) is the Dwaraka where He firmly establishes Himself as the reigning monarch. Make your thirst and devotion for the Lord grow through these stages, and you will be saving yourself.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Monday, May 13, 2013
Yesterday's thought  
The poet Kalidasa once said, "I would get liberation, as soon as I go", implying, liberation is achieved as soon as the ego disappears. For then one would shine in his native splendour, as the indestructible Atma. The 'I' when crossed out becomes the symbol of the cross. So what is crucified is the ego. Once this happens, the Divine nature spontaneously manifests itself unhampered. The ego is most easily destroyed by devotion, by dwelling on the magnificence of the Lord. You can call Him by any name, for all names are His. Select the Name and Form that best appeals to you. That is why Sahasranamas (thousand names of the Lord) are composed for the various forms of God; you have the freedom and the right to select any one of the thousand.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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