Friday, December 28, 2007 - Yesterday was the 100th birthday of Mr. Gopal Rao, former chairman of
Andhra Bank and a resident of the Ashram for many decades. Bhagawan Blessed him yesterday, and
today arranged for a felicitation ceremony. Swami came in the evening at around 5.20 pm, moving onstage after a brief interaction with some devotees on the verandah. Mr. Gopal Rao was also brought onstage by his son. Prof G. Venkataraman spoke for twenty-five minutes, then Mr. Gopal Rao spoke, seated on his wheelchair, for half an hour, about how he came to Bhagawan and how Swami instructed him to do seva in the canteen. Mr. Chakravarthy, Secretary of the Central Trust, garlanded Mr. Gopal Rao. Swami Blessed him and interacted with him while prasadam was distributed. Swami returned to His residence after accepting Arati at 6.35 pm. Photos: 27th & 28thDec 2007 
Thursday, December 27, 2007 - This evening, devotees from Southern California and Hawaii presented a
short play and a programme of songs. Bhagawan came onstage at 5.15 pm after His darshan round the the programme commenced shortly thereafter. SSE children presented the first fifteen minute play, "Boy Jesus", with traditional carols sung by the group forming most of the sound-track. Bhagawan Blessed one of the participants with a chain. The song programme then began, with songs like Ronan Keating's "Hello Again" and Josh Groban's "You raise me up" rendered very well and with great feeling by the devotees. Bhagawan went into the interview room during the last song of their performance and came out with clothes for the singers and chocolates shaped like gold coins for the children. After distributing the coins and the clothes, He accepted Arati and retired for the day. inside the Sai Kulwant Hall.
Wednesday, Dec. 26th: In the morning, while the Bhajans went on, Swami went to the Vidyagiri stadium where the students were practising the Marchpast for the Sports and Cultural Meet in January. He returned to the Mandir moving through the Primary School and later accepted Arati.

This evening, Bhagawan came onstage and interacted with Mr. John Behner, then asked Prof. Veerabhadraiah the college Telugu professor to speak on Jesus Christ. The professor spoke in Telugu for fifteen minutes till 5.20 pm. Then Bhagawan stood up to speak.
Bhagawan declared that there is peace everywhere, and only the restlessness inside is reflected outside on our vision. He reminded us that our real name is "Aham Brahmasmi" and not the names "kept" by parents. To illustrate how everything happens by Divine Will, He materialised a chain and hung it on the mic, and later, at the end of His Discourse, called up a student and put it around his neck. Swami narrated the story of Jesus and commented on the need for Faith with Love. Bhagawan made all the devotees joyful by saying "All of you are in Me; I am yours, you are Mine".
After Bhagawan's 75 minute Discourse, there was a bhajan as prasadam was distributed, then He accepted Arati and left for His residence.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 - Christmas morning celebrations commenced in Sai Kulwant Hall with Bhagawan arriving at 8.20 am. After He came onst
age, the Primary School violins performed for a few minutes, followed by a ten minute performance by the University brass band. Carols and other Christmas songs by the students was the concluding item of the morning. Santa Clauses appeared on the scene during the "Jingle Bells" renderings by both the Primary