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Date: Monday, September 15, 2014
Many people speak about getting a vision of God. This is a naïve desire. They do not realize that God is present in everything they see. Scriptures declare that the one who fails to see the Divine manifest everywhere around them is a fool. Every being, every atom in this Universe is permeated by the Divine. So you must seek to realize your own inner Divinity and also recognize the Lord in all beings. You must manifest your loving nature, not become stone-hearted. For this, you must cultivate forbearance, love and compassion, and not resort to any sinful means. Your desires can never be fulfilled if you cause harm to others. If you are full of envy, pride and ostentation you cannot please God. The Divine will respond instantly only to unsullied love, and never to wealth, power or position. (Divine Discourse, Sep 14, 1997)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2014
Yesterday's thought
'Shuchih' means purity - it does not merely refer to the external cleanliness of the physical body. Your mind gets polluted by wrong thoughts and bad feelings. If you let your mind be continuously filled with evil thoughts, you will reap bad consequences. Hence give no room to wrong thoughts and feelings, and expel all negativity. Your body must be free from the taint of violence or harm (himsa). People commit many acts of violence and many sinful deeds with their hands; this is incorrect. The body has been given primarily for practicing righteousness (Dharma). Such a sacred gift must be used for rendering service to others. No one can refrain from action of some kind, even for a minute. Under no circumstances, should one engage in any impure act. You must achieve this purity with firm determination. (Divine Discourse, Aug 30, 1993)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Text & photo source - copyrights:  - Radiosai.org  - TFTD/ Sai Inspires-  Prasanthi Diary - Webdesign SBOI

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