Sai Baba Darshan News - Photos & Latest Sai Updates  << June 2010 | Current Sai Baba News| July 2010 >> | | Thursday, July 29, 2010: - Sai News & Photo Updates: | Holy Thursday arrived bringing along with beatific sight of The Lord, His Divine Darshan! This morning, emerging at 1035 hrs. to the tunes of the bhajan "Devaki Thanaya Dayanidhe..." that has a special line, pleading and praying for darshan, "Darshan Dheejo Sai Deva...", Bhagawan went for a full round of darshan, blessing the holy assembly. Frequently pausing towards the end of the round, interacting with some of the bhajan boys, Bhagawan moved towards the Primary block, spending quite a while, before moving further into the ladies side for a full length. Returning shortly, Bhagawan came onstage at 1055 hrs. to a crescendo in bhajans. Moving off shortly, Bhagawan went into the interview room, spending next twenty minutes in, before emerging at 1120 hrs. What ensued was a slow round of blessing through the upper portico, wherein Bhagawan spent enough time, listening to many of the International representatives (Sathya Sai Organisation), before coming onstage at 1135 hrs., from the right of Ganesha. It was time for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off once again getting into the interview room, granting interview to a senior devotee. Emerging in ten minutes, Bhagawan glided into the ladies' side, not before blessing prasadam for Primary children, retiring for the session, at 1150 hrs. For the holy assembly, it was a sumptuous bhajan session extended for more than two and a half hour with sparks in between, of The Lord's beatific presence! Evening: A slight drizzle as if 'she' was determined to take the privilege of welcoming The Lord, and there emerged The Lord at 1650 hrs., in His car, to the chants of Vedam, unfolding the story of this evening's Darshan Saga... After a 'quick' round of darshan, alighting on the portico, Bhagawan had a brief interaction with Mr. Ajit Poppat of London before moving onstage just before 1700 hrs., round of Ganesha. Something special was ensuing for the session. Music College troupe was already occupying the front slot and as soon as He came onstage, Bhagawan had a brief conversation with one of the faculties...Yes, yet another musical evening was blooming. Bhagawan had blessed the the troupe last evening itself giving His nod of permission. When it is said Music is Divine", both cannot be apart. What ensued was a short but classical session that lasted for exactly half an hour, comprising of two carnatic numbers and a Hindustani one. At the end, Bhagawan had a word of appreciation to the lead singer, and, in the meantime, podium was being set for something different. A 'Puppet Show', as Sri Ajit Poppat of London often refers to, was in the offing. Beginning in his inimitable style, the erudite speaker proposed to speak on 'Guru Vandana', continuing with the spirit of Guru Purnima celebrations. Referring to Bhagawan's own acronym, PHD, meaning 'Pure Hearted Devotee', the speaker, with the help of Bhagawan's own teachings, with anecdotes from the inspired lives of past masters, exhorted the audience to understand the greater importance of being in the very 'presence' of The Avatar of the Age to become a worthy Phd. (PHD). It was past 1800 hrs. and Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. In the meantime, blessing the speaker, Bhagawan materialised a ring for Sri Ajit Poppat and blessed him with a 'Snap with The Divine!' As Mangala Arathi was being offered, Bhagawan moved off the dais heading into the interview room. In five minutes, Bhagawan came out to move into the bhajan hall for a brief 'two minutes' before exiting to glide into the ladies' end, at 1815 hrs, retiring to Yajur Mandiram. II Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu II | | Wednesday, July 28, 2010: - Sai News & Photo Updates: | This morning, along with the throng of devotees in the Sai Kulwant Hall, when time also kept waiting, bhajans continued beyond the 'scheduled' hour giving greater anticipation of a morning darshan. ...And He emerged at 1020 hrs. to come for a complete round before moving onstage at 1033 hrs. Moving off shortly, Bhagawan spent next five minutes outside the interview room, flipping through a photo album on the recently held "Alwar Festival". Getting into the interview room, Bhagawan spent next fifteen minutes in before moving into the bhajan hall for a brief 'two' minutes. Returning onto the dais, Bhagawan accepted Mangala Arathi at 1105 hrs. before moving off, gliding into the ladies' end retiring for the session. Before retiring, Bhagawan asked for prasadam to be brought; blessed prasadam was subsequently distributed to bhajan and vedam boys and staff members present. On an evening when rain God showered his bounty from the heavens, the Overlord on earth decided to emerge in His car showering His bounty of blessings, Divine Darshan! This evening, emerging at 1720 hrs., Bhagawan went for a complete round in His car before alighting at the portico. Upon alighting Bhagawan spent awhile with a senior devotee from the US before getting onstage at 1730 hrs., round of Ganesha. Vedic chants continued for an extra ten minutes, until 1740 hrs. when Bhagawan nodded for bhajans to begin. Beginning with the Ganesha bhajan, "Ganesha Sharanam Parama Pavanam...", just into the second bhajan, Bhagawan moved off the dais, coming round of Ganesha to the lower portico. Blessing two of the Latin American representatives, spending awhile seeing their project report and album, Bhagawan moved into the bhajan hall through the rear entrance to spend next ten minutes in. Emerging at 1800 hrs. through the main entrance, Bhagawan glided through the lower portico, blessing some of the representatives from International Organisation and a group of students before coming onstage at 1810 hrs., from the right of Ganesha. Bhajans continued for ten more minutes before Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi at 1820 hrs. After accepting Arathi, Bhagawan moved off the dais to get into His car, retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1825 hrs. Blessed Prasadam was distributed to the entire assemblage.