

Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
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Date: Saturday, February 15, 2014
Do not think that God is at some distant place. He is with you, nearer than your most beloved family. Develop good qualities. Be a part of the society by undertaking good activities. God (Bhagawan) does not expect anything from you, nor needs anything. All He cares for is your good reputation. The body is bound to perish. No one can escape death, even if they hide themselves in a forest. Do not worry about it. Develop good qualities more and more as they will remain with you and protect you always. Use your discrimination. Your discrimination should not be individual discrimination, but must be at the societal and universal level. Only then truth and right conduct will prevail. This should be the barometer for your conduct. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 1)
Date: Friday, February 14, 2014
Who is a bad person? Anyone who sees evil in good is bad. Stay away from them. If you join bad company, knowingly or unknowingly, you will lose good qualities. Many reaped poor fate due to bad company. Who is a good person? Anyone who sees good, even in a bad person, is a good person. You must develop friendship with good people. There may be some evil qualities in you. Do not worry or become weak because of this. Develop more and more good qualities. God will always be in you, with you, around you and will take care of you. Whatever task you undertake, discriminate carefully, follow the noble path and always do good acts. Keep your heart sacred and pure. Never fill your heart with bad thoughts and feelings. You must start early, drive slowly and reach safely. When you develop good qualities, your journey will be smooth in future. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Ch 1)
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Sai Baba Happy Valentine's Day wallpapers - photos - Shirdi Sai Baba- Sathya Sai Baba

Happy Valentine's Day
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sai-baba-heart-of-embodiment-of-love-sri-sathya-sai-baba My-Swami-sri-sathya-sai-baba
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Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...

Date: Friday, February 14, 2014
Who is a bad person? Anyone who sees evil in good is bad. Stay away from them. If you join bad company, knowingly or unknowingly, you will lose good qualities. Many reaped poor fate due to bad company. Who is a good person? Anyone who sees good, even in a bad person, is a good person. You must develop friendship with good people. There may be some evil qualities in you. Do not worry or become weak because of this. Develop more and more good qualities. God will always be in you, with you, around you and will take care of you. Whatever task you undertake, discriminate carefully, follow the noble path and always do good acts. Keep your heart sacred and pure. Never fill your heart with bad thoughts and feelings. You must start early, drive slowly and reach safely. When you develop good qualities, your journey will be smooth in future. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Ch 1)
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014
Yesterday's Thought
If the number of passengers in a bus is within the permissible limits, travel is safe. If the bus is overloaded with people or luggage, its owner has to pay the fine imposed on him by the Road Transport Officer (RTO). Similarly, if you overload yourself with food or desires, the Officer of Virtues, will impose the fine of grief and ill-health on you; You might even be penalized by the Break Inspector, for lacking sense control and speeding up. Hence moderation is very essential for happy living â€" be it in food or desires. An overloaded truck driver will find it difficult to drive it up a steep-hill and at times, the consequences can be disastrous. If you want to progress and maintain good health consistently, it is imperative that you must not overload yourself. You will not be able to attain the elevated stage of bliss, if you eat more than what your body needs. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 2)
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Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...

Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014
If the number of passengers in a bus is within the permissible limits, travel is safe. If the bus is overloaded with people or luggage, its owner has to pay the fine imposed on him by the Road Transport Officer (RTO). Similarly, if you overload yourself with food or desires, the Officer of Virtues, will impose the fine of grief and ill-health on you; You might even be penalized by the Break Inspector, for lacking sense control and speeding up. Hence moderation is very essential for happy living â€" be it in food or desires. An overloaded truck driver will find it difficult to drive it up a steep-hill and at times, the consequences can be disastrous. If you want to progress and maintain good health consistently, it is imperative that you must not overload yourself. You will not be able to attain the elevated stage of bliss, if you eat more than what your body needs. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 2)
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Yesterday's Thought
With regards to service, you must be clear on what is 'Rajasik' service and 'Satwik' service. You may go to clean streets, build roads, dig wells or build houses, and do them all as service to the community. You may also go to a hospital and visit patients. Doing service in the name of 'social work' is not real service. Satwik service is that which gives real happiness. It requires that you serve any and every person as an embodiment of the Divine. Divinity (Narayana) is present in two forms amongst all people â€" Wealthy (Lakshmi Narayana) or poor and needy (Daridra Narayana). A wealthy person may have any number of people to attend to them or serve them. But there would be no one to serve the destitute, weak and poor. Treating poor and needy people as Divine embodiments and serving them lovingly is Satwik service. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 3)
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Just a reminder, if you are on Facebook then you should join our Sai Ram Facebook-page. We are nearing the 139,000 mark and unlike a lot of pages that are created and you join and then nothing beneficial ever happens, we actually send out daily Sai Baba updates and give exclusive content/images on most of our postings.
Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011



Prasanthi News & Photo updates  -  Click here for TFTD Archive - 2006- 2011
Also, check out Thought for the day in other languages - Hindi, Telugu, Dutch, German, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Tamil, Polish, Swedish, Spanish etc...

Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014
With regards to service, you must be clear on what is 'Rajasik' service and 'Satwik' service. You may go to clean streets, build roads, dig wells or build houses, and do them all as service to the community. You may also go to a hospital and visit patients. Doing service in the name of 'social work' is not real service. Satwik service is that which gives real happiness. It requires that you serve any and every person as an embodiment of the Divine. Divinity (Narayana) is present in two forms amongst all people â€" Wealthy (Lakshmi Narayana) or poor and needy (Daridra Narayana). A wealthy person may have any number of people to attend to them or serve them. But there would be no one to serve the destitute, weak and poor. Treating poor and needy people as Divine embodiments and serving them lovingly is Satwik service. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 3)
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Yesterday's Thought
When you face troubles develop courage in yourself. Do not think, "Why should I be troubled like this?" Develop broadmindedness. Firmly believe that whatever happens is only for your good. Never forget that trouble, loss, illness, etc. come only for your good. Do not see bad in good. Always see good in bad. Light has much more value when there is darkness around. The value of joy is realized only when there are troubles. During the rainy and winter season, we want heat. In summer times, we look for coolness. You need both heat and cold, depending upon the circumstance. No matter in which situation you are, you must develop good feelings. You must start this habit of always having noble feelings from a very young age. Whatever thoughts and feelings you develop then, will last forever. Develop good thoughts and give up bad company. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 1)
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Just a reminder, if you are on Facebook then you should join our Sai Ram Facebook-page. We are nearing the 139,000 mark and unlike a lot of pages that are created and you join and then nothing beneficial ever happens, we actually send out daily Sai Baba updates and give exclusive content/images on most of our postings.
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