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Date: Monday, July 28, 2014
We generally consider direct perception as the most important type of evidence. We are able to see our body, the number of hands, legs, eyes we have and so on. This is one type of proof. Consider another example: We boil milk. After heating, we add some yoghurt to it in the night and wake up the next morning to find that the whole milk has turned into curd (Yoghurt). Though our eyes don't see the transformation process, our own action provides us the proof and we don't need anyone else to convince us that the change from milk to curd has really occurred, though the change process was not visible directly to our eyes. So too, though the Soul (Atma) is invisible, and we cannot see it, we must have faith in its existence. Several great sages and saints have had the direct experience of Divinity in their present lives and have conveyed the teachings to us. (My Dear Students, Vol 2, Ch 15, Mar 1, 1981)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Sunday, July 27, 2014
When you walk on the road in an evening and suddenly find a thick piece of long rope lying on the ground, instinctively you think of it as a snake and get scared! Where did this fear come from? How does it disappear? Did the snake change into a rope for your fear to disappear? No! The rope is still a rope, you mistook it to be a snake! The hallucination effect you had is a result of the worldly point of view. Realize that the whole world is a manifestation of the Divine (Brahman). Your vision is blurred by ignorance, illusion and hallucination, which sees the world as material objects and not as Divine Creations. Know that all you see in the world and think as real is actually unreal and false. The spiritual point of view clarifies your vision, and will let you experience truth as truth and will remove any fear. (My Dear Students, Vol 5, Ch 1, Dec 25, 1980)
Sai-Baba-Thought-for-the-day-as-written-at-Prasanthi-Nilayam-today-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Text & photo source - copyrights:  - Radiosai.org  - TFTD/ Sai Inspires-  Prasanthi Diary - 
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Text & photo source - copyrights:  - Radiosai.org  - TFTD/ Sai Inspires-  Prasanthi Diary - 
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