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Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The Gita advises that service to the society (Sangha) is the highest service (Seva), as well as the most beneficial spiritual discipline (Sadhana). No one can run away from this obligation; you have to use the community wherein you are born for sublimating your ego and saving yourself. Service taken up as a Sadhana teaches fortitude (Sahana). That is why Krishna directed Arjuna to engage in battle to win back his share of the Kingdom, and ensure for the people righteous administration and an atmosphere wherein they can strive successfully to attain salvation. This he had to do in a spirit of dedication and surrender to the will of God, irrespective of his own likes and dislikes, and the consequences that might flow from his unselfish activities. Even Avatars (incarnations) demonstrate in their lives the supreme importance of Seva. (Divine Discourse, Jan 11, 1968)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Monday, April 21, 2014
A man who had four wives happened to go to Mumbai on some work. From there, he wrote to all of them that he was prepared to bring home whatever each of them wanted. The first wife asked for some nice tonics for her health, as well as rugs and woollen clothing to be of service whenever she fell ill. The second wife wanted some sarees of the latest style, jewellery of the Mumbai type and such other sundry decorative stuff. The third asked him to select for her some religious books like the Jnaneshwari, abhangs, etc. available in Mumbai book-shops, as well as pictures of Pandharinath, Bhavani and Sai Baba. The fourth wife had no list at all; she simply wrote, "If you return soon and safe, that is enough for me." The others got big packets containing whatever they had asked for, but the last one got his love. God gives you whatever you pray for; so think well and discriminate clearly before you pray and ask. (Divine Discourse, May 16, 1964)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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