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Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014
The entire visible universe is a cosmic university. At birth, people are akin to animals. Then, parents teach the child how to develop its human faculties. If parents do not undertake this task adequately, the child will remain an animal. The great sages and saints felt that it was not enough to develop the human qualities alone, and therefore envisaged a system of Cultural Training (Samskaras) for the spiritual development of the child. What is Samskara? It is systems of practice by which the bad tendencies in a human being are got rid of and good tendencies are inculcated. They are intended to transform the outward looking tendency (Pravritti) into inward looking tendency (Nivritti). Samskaras also assist in developing human qualities and eliminating all remnants of animal nature in human beings. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Ch 8, June 15, 1989)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Friday, March 21, 2014
At times, your mind becomes a monkey, a mad monkey, jumping and bumping all over. It might be difficult to control your mind. In those moments, tell yourself, "I am not a monkey; I am part of 'mankind'." You must have and exhibit kindness from within you. Cultivate love and develop kindness. All of you must start the day with love, fill the day will love and end the day with love. This is the way to God. Always be happy. There should not be anyone with castor-oil faces. You must lead a happy life and be cheerful always. Not just on your birthday should you be happy, you must lead your life in happiness all the time. When you have love for God, you will not do things that God does not approve of. So, your life will always be happy. Follow God, live in Love and Truth. Then you will attain true happiness and enjoy bliss. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 1, Ch 7, Apr 10, 2000)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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