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Date: Wednesday, February 05, 2014
All of you have seen a map of the world, is it not? How little is India in this map? Compared to India, Andhra Pradesh is small. The district of Anantapur is still tinier. In this district, Puttaparthi is virtually a microscopic dot on the map. Now you as a person residing in Puttaparthi are practically so insignificant. Then how can you suffer from ego? Remember, God is all around you. There is no meaning at all in being egoistic. You may feel proud that you are educated; there are more educated people than you. You may think you are beautiful; there are any number more beautiful than you. Maybe you are good at singing; there are several who can sing better than you. Why are you then so proud of yourself? This is mere ignorance. Do not give place to ego. Become egoless, give up pomp and show. Be selfless and lead a life that befits an educated person. Always, Help Ever, Hurt Never. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 1)
Date: Tuesday, February 04, 2014
Yesterday's Thought
You must be able to get up with the same ease with which you sat to have your food. If you sit down feeling light and feel heavy and difficult to get up after eating, you have taken more than you need and it will develop Tamasik qualities. The space in your stomach is divided into four parts. Youngsters should fill three parts of their stomach with food and remaining one part with water. For adults, two parts of stomach with food, one part for water and one part for air is advisable. If you fill all four parts with food with no place even for water, you are violating the rules for digestion! After having your lunch, rest for just ten minutes. That will help blood to circulate freely from your head to your toe. At night, after dinner, you must go for a walk. This is a sound routine for good health and to develop Satwik nature. (Divine Discourse, "My Dear Students", Vol 2, Chapter 2)
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