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Date: Monday, January 06, 2014
The flower of forbearance (kshama) is very dear to the Lord. The Pandavas suffered a lot at the hands of the Kauravas. But it was the virtue of forbearance that protected the Pandavas and made them an ideal to the rest of the world. The other flower that we must offer to God is Shanti (peace). One should remain peaceful through all the vicissitudes of life. Only then can one attain divine grace. Peace is needed at the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Peace is not external, it is present within. You are the embodiment of peace. In the worldly life, there are bound to be many hardships, but one should not be perturbed. One should bear all sufferings with fortitude and patience. Human life is given not merely to enjoy the worldly pleasures. Life becomes meaningful only when one experiences the peace that originates from the heart.(Divine Discourse, Aug 22, 2000)
Date: Sunday, January 05, 2014
Yesterday's thought
If you happen to see a wicked person, do not immedi­ately think of that person as being bad. The bad actions of that person are due to the body, but within that person is the same Atma that is also in you. This unity, this Atmic Principle, is what you must focus on. Deal with this other person with the feeling that the Self in you is also present in the other. This is the way to develop love for all beings. Also do not bear ill will towards any country but be alike to all. Do not criticise the culture of other countries. Love your culture as your mother, just as people of other lands love their respective cultures. If you live like this, you will, without question, become an ideal person. You must spiritualise your attitude, tendencies, and mind.(Divine Discourse, May 30, 2000)
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