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Date: Thursday, January 02, 2014
Your life is a long journey. You should have fewer luggage (desires) in this long journey of life. There­fore it is said, "Less luggage, more comfort, makes travel a pleasure." So ceiling on desires is what you have to adopt today. You have to cut short your de­sires day by day. You are under the mistaken notion that happiness lies in the fulfillment of desires. But in fact, happiness begins to dawn when desires are totally eradicated. When you reduce your desires, you advance towards the state of renunciation. You have many desires; what do you get out of them? You are bound to face the consequences when you claim something as yours. You will be blissful the moment you give up ego and attachment.
Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2014
Yesterday's thought
God does not expect you to perform rituals nor does He want you to study the scriptures. All that He desires from you is eight types of 'flowers'. God will be pleased with you and confer boons on you only when you offer Him these 'flowers' which are dear to Him. No benefit accrues from offering the flowers, which fade away and decay. Offer Him the eight flowers of nonviolence, control of senses, compassion, for­bearance, peace, penance, meditation and Truth (ahimsa, indriya nigraha, daya, kshama, shanti, tapas, dhyana and sathya). Your life will find fulfillment when you please God by offering Him these 'flowers'. Love is the undercurrent of all this. So lead a life suffused with love.
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