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Date: Sunday, August 18, 2013
The Lord is the Indweller in all beings and is All Pervading. He is the soul in every being. He is in you as much as He in everyone else. He is not present more in a rich person or bigger in a fat person. His spark illumines the cave of the heart, of every one. The Sun shines equally on all; His Grace is falling equally on all. You construct obstacles that prevent the rays of His Grace from touching and warming your heart. Do not blame the Lord for your ignorance or foolishness or perversity. Just as underground water wells up in a gushy spring when a bore is sunk down to that depth, by constant repetition of the Lord's Name, touch the spring of Divinity, and one day, it will gush out in plenty giving you never ending joy.
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Saturday, August 17, 2013
Yesterday's thought
Conceit or egoism is a fatal weakness. It is the desire to be praised, to be talked about. People take delight in tom-tomming their achievements and capabilities. This actually makes them ludicrous and pitiable. They want their names and deeds to appear in the daily newspapers in big bold letters. Please understand, it is not in the newspapers that you should get attention. Earn your status in the realm of God. Earn fame in the company of the good and godly. If you are forever in the primary class working on A, B, C and other alphabets, how can you understand what the scholars say? Make progress in being humble and in showing reverence towards elders and parents.
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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