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Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2013
The mind is the wind that brings to us the smell, foul or fragrant from the world. When the mind turns towards the foul, you get disgusted. When it turns towards the fragrant, you are happy. The wind gathers the clouds from the four quarters; similarly the mind brings into your consciousness the disappointments of many hopes. Again, it is the mind that, like the wind, scatters the clouds that darken it or make it feel lost in the night of doubt. Control the mind and you will remain in peace! To gain this equanimity, you have to do not reading, but systematic sadhana (spiritual effort). Then you will be always happy, whether you are rich or poor, appreciated or rejected, prosperous or unlucky. Entering the arena of life without equanimity is like sailing on a storm-tossed sea in a tiny rudderless boat! So enter upon the path of spiritual discipline right now.
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Monday, August 12, 2013
Yesterday's thought
People grieve because they develop attachment towards the unreal. They cultivate an unreasonable affection for wealth. However they are ready to sacrifice their hard earned riches to save the lives of their children, for their attachment to children is stronger than their attachment to wealth. Some people however, stoop so low as to neglect even their children, when the choice is between their preferences and their children's well-being. Real joy can be found only by dwelling on Divinity within you! The orange has a rind, which is not very tasty, but it protects the fruit and preserves it from decay. To get the sweetness of the orange, you must peel and throw off the rind. Such is the fruit of the tree of life. It is protected by a bitter rind! A wise person does not try to eat the rind – after due consideration, he removes it and discards it, and then enjoys the sweetness of the fruit.
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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