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Date: Thursday, June 20, 2013
Medicine is useless for the dead as well as the sturdy. Those endowed with devotion are already marching on their path. There is no use in speaking to those who have no devotion in them; it is a sheer waste of time. There are many, who are conscious of the Higher Power and are feebly desirous of contacting it, but are wavering and unsteady. They are either ignorant of the path and its benefits or are afraid of the consequences – my message is for such half-apathetic devotees. First learn the art of living in the midst of all kinds of people, so you neither grieve nor make others grieve. Make the best use of the opportunities you are gifted with to acquire wisdom, and derive and spread joy. Learn from the saints, the eternal wisdom and profit from it. Then, spread noble thoughts and good impulses and grow spiritually.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Yesterday's thought  
The purusha (man) is 'he who lives in the pura,' that is the physical body. He who lives in the Universe, which is His body is Purushotthama, the Supreme. A tiny ant creeping over the foot is cognised by your consciousness; that is because, a purusha has consciousness filling the entire body. The Purushotthama too has consciousness filling and activating His entire body, which is the Universe; and hence He is omniscient. The soul is the vyasthi (individual), the samashti (all of Creation) is God. The best reward for the individual (Purusha) is to merge in the Divine (Purushotthama). And the path is through the Knowledge begotten by action and love for God.
- Sri Sathya Sai BabaSathya Sai Baba online Resource, Info, Books, Sai centres, mantras, Miracles, Bhajans, Letters from Sai Baba, Sai Meditation, Sai Baba Prophesies & more
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