
LATEST PRASANTHI NEWS AND PHOTOS -Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - Sai News & Photo Updates :


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Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - Sai News & Photo Updates :
Today, in the evening, emerging at 1724 hrs. to the chants of Vedam, Bhagawan went for a complete round before coming onstage at 1740 hrs., round of Ganesha, after spending quite sometime in the lower verandah interacting with some devotees.

Being the second day of the Russian Cultural Programme, 'centre-stage' was set with a colourful, scenic backdrop, thematic of the ensuing presentation.

The presentation for the evening, entitled Hallowed be Thy Name, talks about the Love of Bhagawan that reaches ever nook on planet Earth, opening up people's hearts, flowing through songs, glorifying God in all languages. The presentation narrates the story of a youngster from Russia, who sets out on a journey covering many countries, collecting songs on God's glory. In the process the youngster learns about the present day Avatar, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!

The twenty minute presentation was interlaced with many songs, all featuring the Name of Sai. This programme was followed by a musical session having songs in different languages, lasted for ten minutes. At the end, Bhagawan blessed one of the participants with a golden ring. As many of the participants made a beeline unto Him, a somber sounding solo, sung by a lady in praise of Allah, followed. As they continued to sing in group, Bhagawan was busy giving away gifts to individuals. One particular number followed, typical of Russian, having many beats, started at a slow pace, raised a bit to fall down further, then to climb to peak finally to end up emitting a loud cry with a tail, calling His Name, that faded off merging in silence.

Bhajans by Russians continued and the clock was ticking to 1900 hrs. Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi. Upon accepting Arathi, Bhagawan sat through, personally giving away clothes to all the participants who made a beeline, coming unto Him in disciplined order. At the end Bhagawan asked the group to sing bhajans and after one bhajan another Arathi followed. Moving off the dais at 1915 hrs. Bhagawan interacted with one of the students followed by a senior before gliding into the ladies' end retiring to Yajur Mandiram.

Alwarula Bhakti Samrajyam, a five day programme highlighting the devotion of Alwars (great devotees of The Lord) will be commencing tomorrow to culminate with a grand Sathya Narayana Vratham on the 18th July, in the immediate Divine presence

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